ADRE support

ADRE offers support at various stages in the constitution of your research proposal (terms of reference, project, etc).

Tenders / Public service contracts

As a company, the University of Namur may respond to calls for tender. With this in mind, and with a view to assisting in the completion of these formalities, ADRE and the Cellule Marchés Publics (CMP) are at the disposal of members of the institution who wish to benefit from administrative assistance in submitting their dossier.

Contractual support and legal helpdesk in research and innovation

Many legal issues relating to intellectual property arise in connection with the University's research and innovation missions. The legal unit is at your disposal to work with you to find the best way to carry out these missions and help you navigate through the legal arcana of research and innovation, as well as guaranteeing a serene environment for the institution.

Researchers' Helpdesk

The Researchers' Helpdesk is a service for foreign researchers. It is intended to provide information and support for administrative procedures (work contract, residence permit, documents, insurance,...) relating to your arrival in Belgium, in Namur and at the University of Namur.

Icone help desk

Financial monitoring of your research projects

The Cellule de Gestion des Conventions de Recherche (CGCR) works closely with a "network of research agreement management skills" spread across departments and centers. The CGCR supports sponsors in the administrative management of their research contracts/agreements.


EURAXESS - Information and assistance

EURAXESS provides practical support with administrative formalities for researchers moving abroad for professional reasons.