Learning outcomes

Understand the functioning of uni- and multicellular primary producers, and of macro-invertebrates;
Be able to make the link between the functioning of organisms and their functional traits;
Understand the basic mechanisms of evolution;
Read, digest, and present scientific documents on the topic of the course;


To provide the students with a thorough basic formation on the main aspects of functional and adaptive biology;
To put the student in contact with the scientific literature;
To teach how to successfully inspect and study organisms in a biology lab.


The course gives an overview of the families and groups that are most illustrative for adaptation, evolution, and functional biology. The central theme is the link between these three concepts and functional traits of organisms. 

Table of contents

Introduction: definitions, motivation of the course
Functional traits
Basics of plants
Basics of ecosystems
Presentation of groups A+ half of B "Malaria"
Presentations of groups C+ half of B : « Vector-borne deseases »
The link with traits and the ecological status of surface waters
Diatoms as bio-indicators 
The water framework directive
Presentation of groups A, B, et C : Meysman et al: bioturbation
Quiz evo 101


Different Cormophytes are presented during the practical exercises. Plant morphology exerices focus on distinguishing different tissue types and organs. The link with the theory part is made by using species that were presented during the theory course.

Teaching methods

Combination of registred courses and Q&A sessions (on line or in real life)
Q&A Sessions
Reading and discussing the scientific literature
Seminars given by invited experts
Lab exercises supervised by teaching assistants.

A combination of recorded lectures and online or real-life Q&A sessions


Assessment method

Exam assessment period (Can be on paper or online (‘Test’ on Webcampus)):
1/Theoretical part: Written exam (50%)
2/Practical work part: Evaluation of practical work reports and lab exam (50%).
The final coast taken is the average of the two parts. In the event of failure (final mark < 10), the part for which the student obtained a mark >10 does not have to be retaken, there is therefore a partial exemption for the part passed. Partial exemptions are valid for 1 academic year: the mark for the pass part in year n will therefore be transferred to year n+1, but not to the following years.
If a student decides to sign for the exam (wants to get an attendance mark), she/he does so for the entire course. It is not possible to sign for a part.


Sources, references and any support material

Various scientific papers .
Powerpoint slides
Scientific websites specified in the course plan
Raven et al, Biologie végétale, 7ième édition (traduit en Français)
All these materials can be found on WebCampus

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Geology Standard 0 5
Bachelor in Geography : General Standard 0 5
Bachelor in Geology Standard 2 5
Bachelor in Geography : General Standard 2 5