Learning outcomes

As part of the Competency-Based Approach, students will be trained in the following critical skills.
Modelling a phenomenon in physics
The student will be confronted with various nuclear physics models, which are relatively simple, but which make it possible to explain numerous properties of nuclei. They will take part in the development of these models, in particular by drawing on analogies with physics concepts covered elsewhere. They will need to understand each model, and correctly grasp the limits and complementarities between them.


At the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • understand the composition of the nuclei of the elements that make up our universe;
  • explain the properties of nuclei on the basis of different nuclear models;
  • understand the phenomenon of radioactivity, be able to explain the different types of decay and be able to give some applications (e.g. radioactive dating methods; production of radioisotopes for medical use);
  • understand the concept of nuclear reactions and be able to describe some of their applications (e.g. production of nuclear energy; characterisation of materials).

Table of contents

  1. Historical introduction to Nuclear Physics
  2. Rutherford's formalism
  3. The size and shape of nuclei
  4. The liquid drop model
  5. Radioactivity
  6. Nuclear reactions and the compound nucleus model
  7. The nuclear shell model
  8. Towards particle physics


Exercise sessions are organised by an assistant to illustrate and put into practice the concepts covered in the theory course.
Some of the questions in the reference books are solved during these tutorial sessions.

Teaching methods

Lecture and exercises

Assessment method

Assessment of the theory course takes place in June or August, in the form of an oral examination. Each student has time to prepare for two randomly selected questions, which they then present orally. Students may use their course notes for this assessment. The score obtained accounts for 2/3 of the overall mark.

The exercises are assessed in the form of a written exam, also organised during June or August. The students will receive a form with the main equations from their teaching assistant for this assessment. The score obtained accounts for 1/3 of the overall mark.

Sources, references and any support material

  1. Histoire de la radioactivité, l'évolution d'un concept et de ses applications (René Bimbot - Vuibert)
  2. Nuclear and Particle Physics (W.S.C. Williams - Clarendon Press, Oxford)
  3. Nuclei and Particles (E Segrè - Benjamins/Cummings publishing Company)
  4. Atoms, Radiations and Radiation Protection (J.E. Tuner - John Wiley & Sons)
  5. Physique nucléaire 1re partie (G. Terwagne - WebCampus, Université de Namur)
  6. Physique nucléaire 2e partie (G. Terwagne - WebCampus, Université de Namur)


Language of instruction
