- UE code SVETB318
30 4Quarter 1
- ECTS Credits 4
At the end of this teaching, the student has acquired knowledge related to animal nutrition (nutrient sources) and feeding (feedstuffs) to study and apply the principles of rationing for livestock and companion animals. He is able to:
The courses on 'Nutrition and Feeding of Domestic Animals' for the 3rd-year Bachelor's and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-year Master's students in Veterinary Medicine aim to train DVM to 'design, formulate, and evaluate the impact of diets on the health, well-being, and performance of healthy animals, on the quality of products from livestock, and on the health of sick animals examined in veterinary practice.'
The 3rd-year Bachelor's courses teach general nutrition and lay the foundation for the following courses. The learning focuses on concepts related to the types and sources of nutrients to study and apply rationing principles for livestock and companion animals.
The 1st-year Master's courses explain the basics of rationing for healthy animals in the following species: cattle, horses, companion animals, pigs, and poultry.
The 2nd-year Master's courses focus on rationing for sick animals (clinical nutrition).
Finally, during the clinical training in the 3rd-year Master's, the objective is to transform this knowledge (theoretical understanding) and know-how (practical rationing) into professional competency: obtaining a detailed anamnesis, studying and evaluating an existing diet and proposing a balanced diet.
The nutrition course includes 30 hours of lectures and 4 hours of exercise.
The theoretical part of the course is divided into five sections:
There are 4 hours of practical/tutorial sessions scheduled. These provide an overview of the course content by integrating information from the different sections covered.
The course is delivered exclusively in person, in a lecture hall, with slide presentations available on Web Campus. Practical/tutorial sessions complement the theoretical instruction.
The exam assesses students' knowledge and understanding of the course and their ability to integrate its various components.
The exam is a written test (open-ended questions, MCQs, and/or MRQs) covering all the material from the lectures and practical/tutorial sessions (syllabus, PowerPoint presentations, and multimedia material such as videos, exercises, etc...).
An unjustified absence from the practical sessions will prevent the student from taking the exam in the first session.
A passing grade for the course is 10.00/20, and grades below 10.00/20 will not be rounded up.
The syllabus (currently being prepared), PowerPoint presentations, and multimedia materials will be available on Web Campus.
If applicable, reading recommendations may be provided during the course.
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine | Standard | 0 | 4 | |
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine | Standard | 3 | 4 |