Carine Michiels is a permanent guest at the university's Board of Directors and General Assembly.
Its functions
Member of the Rector's Council
- Work collegially with the other members of the Rector's Council to establish the strategic priorities deriving from the Rector's Policy Statement and to translate them into operational objectives.
- Supply the Rector's Council and the Board of Directors with the information they require and which is relevant to their functions.

- Sets the fundamental directions and objectives for research.
- Chairs the Research Council.
- Ensures the implementation of an evaluation of research entities.
- Coordinates the drafting of the annual institutional report on research and ensures its dissemination.
- Coordinates communication on funding sources for research projects and researchers, with the support of the Research Administration (ADRE).

- Represents the University in strategic university consultation bodies for research (Council of Vice-Rectors for Research, ARES, various working groups and commissions, etc.).
- Submits a reasoned opinion or allocation proposal to the General Administrator or the Board of Directors regarding research-related budgets and investments (research-related investment plans, impulse budgets, research institute budgets, technology platform budgets, ...).
- Instructs, presents, prepares decisions to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly relevant to research, with the support of the Research Administration and in close collaboration with the other Vice-Rectors concerned:
- Strategic axes, support for research, funding and valorization of research, ethics in research, organization of research platforms and entities, institutional mandate and research portal, status of researchers, etc.).
- Coordinates the orientations and objectives of Euraxess policy.
- In coordination with the head of the Moretus Plantin University Library, sets the fundamental directions and objectives of the BUMP.
- In coordination with the director of the Presses Universitaires de Namur, sets the fundamental directions and objectives of the PUNs.
- Participates in meetings of the BUMP-Faculté de Philosophie et lettres scientific committee.
- Sures the implementation of a policy relating to open access, open data and open science.

First Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector, Research and LibrariesOffice
Hôtel Orban
Rue de Bruxelles, 69, first floor - 5000 Namur