Learning outcomes

With this course, the student will acquire the main principles of bacterial pathogenesis. Examples of bacterial pathogens of different hosts, Human, animal and vegetal and the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis will be presented by experts on the field. Students will also acquire the main princples of epidemiology. Examples of recent epidemics will be analysed.


At the end of the course, the student will have acquired the main principles of bacterial pathgenesis and epidemiology. The student will also be able to understand, analise and present scientific articles on bacterial pathogens, each time with a molecular approach.


The content of the course is divided into two main topics :

- the molecular aspects of bacterial pathogenesis

- the main concepts and steps to deal with an epidemics (analysis of study cases)

Table of contents

Seminars by experts on the topic presented.



Teaching methods

The course is structured into seminars on the two topics indicated above.

Concerning  each seminar, an expert on a  bacterial pathogen will focus on a specific research question that she/he has adressed in his research. Concerning epidemiology, an expert from the Belgian National Health Institute (Sciensano)  will present different examples of recent epidemics occured in Belgium and how the case was faced.

Assessment method

  • Maximum 7 days after each seminar, a report (max 1 page, pdf format) will have to be uploaded on webcampus. In this report, the student will describe the main concepts she/he has retained from the  seminar as well as those points that have not been clear.
  • Each student will read a scientific article describing a precise topic (not a review) on bacterial pathogenesis The student will present the article to the group in the presence of  the teacher.
  • The final grade will be defined by the active participation to the different seminars (interaction with the lecturer) as well as by the presentation of the scientifc article.

Sources, references and any support material

Students will have access to the slides of the seminars they have assisted.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Molecular Microbiology, Research focus Standard 0 3
Master in Molecular Microbiology, Research focus Standard 1 3