Personal work
- UE code SCHIB318
15Quarter 2
- ECTS Credits 2
In the following description, the term "experiment" covers both wet lab (SCHIB311, SCHIB314, SCHIB315, SCHIB316, SCHIB317) and computer experiments (SCHIB312).
The goal of this work is to give the student the opportunity to write a scientific report and present part of an experimental work. It includes:
- a bibliographic search
- an oral presentation
- a defence based on basic and advances questions related to the subject.
Based on one of the experiments the student has performed as part of the practical labs (SCHIB311, SCHIB312, SCHIB314, SCHIB315, SCHIB316, SCHIB317), a written report must be prepared and presented orally. Basics of the theory must also be presented together with a bibliographic context of the experiment. Links with other experiments are welcome. Possibly, additional experiments can be proposed.
The subject of the personal work must not be related at all with the teaching unit SCHIM113 (Introduction to Scientific Research).
Personal work
A written report must be provided and an oral presentation given and discussed. The final note includes an evaluation of the report (1/3), of the presentation (1/3) and of the discussion (1/3). If one or several evaluations have a note < 50% of their maximal value, the final note cannot be larger than 9/20.
Bibliographic survey of the topic
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Bachelor in Chemistry | Standard | 0 | 2 | |
Bachelor in Chemistry | Standard | 3 | 2 |