Learning outcomes

To be able to understand and to appraise a scientific HTA (Health Technology Assessment) article


To make the students aware of the content of a full HTA and to present two approaches in order to determine the content of the healthcare basket (the approach base on the cost-utility analysis and the approach based on the social preferences.


  1. Generalities about the prioritisation of healthcare acts and products (drugs, medical materials …)
  2. Presentation of the recent and innovative approach based on the social preferences
  3. Presentation of the ‘traditional approach’ based on the concept of ICER (Incremental Cost-effectiveness ratio)
  4. Explanation of the different general ways to integrate the ethical aspects in a HTA
  5. Analysis of some scientific articles


Short presentations during the course about the integration of ethical aspects in HTA’s

Teaching methods

Lessons ex cathedra and short presentation prepared by the students, analysis of scientific articles

Assessment method

An exhaustive list of questions for the exam is elaborate enduring the course

The exact modalities of the evaluation are likely to be modified during the preparation of the examination schedules, depending on the practical constraints with which the faculty administration may be confronted, or in the event of illness / force majeure / encroachment with an internship, or because of the health situation related to the coronavirus.

Sources, references and any support material


Cleemput I, Neyt M, Thiry N, De Laet C, Leys M. Threshold values for cost-effectiveness in health care Health Technology Assessment (HTA).

Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE); 2008. KCE reports 100C (D/2008/10.273/96)

Cleemput I, Neyt M, Van de Sande S, Thiry N. Belgian guidelines for economic evaluations and budget impact analyses: second edition. Health Technology Assessment (HTA). Brussels: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). 2012. KCE Report 183C. D/2012/10.273/54

Recent articles concerning an HTA

Language of instruction
