Learning outcomes

Theoretical notions to be mastered at the end of the course: optical properties of metals, volume plasmons, surface plasmons-polaritons, localized surface plasmons, excitation methods. To understand the fields of application of plasmonics. Know how to use digital tools to solve a plasmonics problem.


• Understand the key concepts of plasmonics such as the optical properties of metals, volume plasmons, surface plasmon-polaritons, localized surface plasmons. • Mobilise these theoretical concepts in order to understand the resulting applications. • Use numerical codes to solve a given plasmonics problem.


1. Electromagnetism of metals and plasmon. 2. Surface plasmon polariton 3. Characterisation and applications of surface plasmon polaritons 4. Localized surface plasmas 5. Characterisation and applications of localised surface plasmons

Teaching methods

Alternating lectures and flipped classes + Individual work on an application. Tutorials are also planned for the digital aspects.

Assessment method

In-session open course examination (1/4) Report on practical work (1/4) Work (1/2)

Sources, references and any support material

-Plasmonic: Fundamentals and applications. S.A. Maier. Springer 2007 - Absorption and Scattering of light by small particles. C.F. Bohren, D.R. Huffman 1983 - Optical Properties of Metal Cluster. U. Kreibig and M. Vollmer. Springer 1995 - PLasmon surface. H. Raether. Springer-Verlag 1988

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Physics, Research focus Standard 0 3
Specialised Master in Nanotechnology Standard 0 3
Specialised Master in Nanotechnology Standard 1 3
Master in Physics, Research focus Standard 1 3