Learning outcomes

Acquire a broad general and interdisciplinary culture by opening up to other disciplines and understanding their links with history Develop specialist knowledge in areas of the historical discipline and understand the issues involved Acquire a strong capacity for information analysis, synthesis and writing


To acquire a thorough knowledge of the political history and the organisation, functioning and activities of the institutions (central, provincial and local) of the Belgian provinces and the Principality of Liege from the 15th century to 1795.


The course is an in-depth study of the political and institutional aspects of the history of Belgium, aspects that could only be sketched in the general course of history of the Modern Age in the first year. Several key processes in the evolution of the Southern Netherlands and the Principality of Liège are highlighted: the genesis of the state since the 15th century (and the reunion of the Belgian provinces under the sceptre of the Dukes of Burgundy), the increasing administrative centralisation and standardisation as well as regional and local resistance and particularisms. The place of the Netherlands and the Principality on the international scene is also discussed.

Teaching methods

Ex cathedra lectures, based on power points and audio-visual material. Commentary on articles or parts of books.

Assessment method

Oral examination.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 0 3
Bachelor in History Standard 0 3
Bachelor in History Standard 2 3
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 2 3
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 3 3