Practical application of organismal biology
- UE code SBIOB154
20Quarter 2
- ECTS Credits 2
At the end of the course, the student will be able to • Use a microscope, examine a histological section or blood smear and accurately reproduce/describe the structures to be observed • Legend a diagram relating to the material seen • Master the vocabulary related to the subject • Dissecting a mouse • Describe the general external and internal organisation of a mammal
This teaching unit is complementary to the SBIO153 course. The objective is to allow the student to approach the subject matter seen in SBIO153 through the microscopic examination of microscopic slides (histological sections, blood smears, ...). The aim of this course is to make the student aware of the distance that exists between an ideal diagram and the reality of a biological specimen. It also aims to understand the external and internal organization of multicellular organisms, including a mammal, the mouse.
The course consists of 5 practical sessions (TP) organised as follows: • TP1: Protists (single-celled organisms) • TP2: Plathelminthes (flatworms) • TP3: Nematodes (roundworms) • TP4: General organisation of a mammal - Dissection of the mouse. • TP5: Assessment of skills - Use of a microscope As this is a practical training course, attendance at the sessions is compulsory. Any unjustified absence from a session will be sanctioned (see "Evaluation").
Projection of a short Power-Point presentation to recall and summarise the theoretical material seen in EU SBIOB153, focusing on the aspects that will be covered in the session Make scientific drawings for a report, based on the observation of microscopic slides or animals, taking care to reproduce/describe accurately the structures they observe Use of appropriate scientific vocabulary to produce a complete legend Dissection of the mouse in groups of students, each group being guided by a member of staff Personalized correction of the report at the end of the session
The evaluation has two parts: Continuous assessment during the practical sessions (details will be given in the practical session and instructions will be uploaded on WebCampus) (1/3 of the points) A written exam in exam sessions (June and August), MCQ type (2/3 of points) As this is a practical training course, attendance is compulsory. Any unjustified absence from one (or more) session(s) will be considered as a breach of contract and will be sanctioned by an overall mark of zero with the code ABSENT, even if the MCQ is passed. In the event of justified absence, the student, on his/her own initiative, will do everything possible to make up the missed session as soon as possible by contacting the assistant responsible for the practical courses.
Biology, Raven, De Boeck (latest editions) Invertebrates, Brusca and Brusca TP notes for each session, available on WebCampus PowerPoint presentations associated with EU SBIOB153 available on WebCampus
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences | Standard | 0 | 2 |