Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to do the practical work in chemistry teaching unit:
    use chemistry equipment correctly to carry out manipulations in the laboratory ;
    master the rules governing significant figures ;
    identify inaccuracies and sources of error in measurements;
    use the theoretical concepts of general chemistry and organic chemistry to interpret experimental results;
    analyse an experimental protocol on the basis of reference documents;
    process experimental results rigorously;
    separate the constituents of a mixture by distillation, extraction or chromatography
    prepare and purify an organic compound
    identify an organic compound (or a mixture) on the basis of its (their) physical properties.


The aims of this course are to :
    to carry out experiments ;
    verify theoretical concepts in general chemistry and organic chemistry through experimentation;
    interpret experimental data presented in different forms (table, graph, text, etc.) using mathematical reasoning and tools;
    develop critical analysis of experimental results;


The experiments of general chemistry or organic chemistry will be in adequacy with the contents of the UE SCHIB111, SCHB112 and MCHIB107 of block60 pharma and biomed.

Teaching methods

The practical laboratory work will be carried out individually or in groups depending on the type of practical work. During the sessions, coaching by the assistants will be provided.

Assessment method

During the year, students must complete 10 practical sessions. Attendance is compulsory; any unexcused absence will result in a mark of 0/20 for the laboratory concerned.
Assessment will be continuous. Each practical session is assessed by an entrance examination (/5) organised at the beginning of the session and a laboratory report (/15) submitted after each session in accordance with the assistant's procedures. The average of the laboratory assessments constitutes the mark for continuous assessment. Failure to comply with the instructions given by the laboratory assistant will be penalised by a deduction from the mark for the practical course concerned.
In the event of absence, if this is justified by a medical certificate submitted to the secretariat of the Faculty of Medicine no later than 5 working days after the end of the certificate, the student must, within three working days of the start of the absence, send an e-mail to (didactique.chimie@unamur.be) to inform the secretariat of his or her absence from the practical course and the date on which he or she will be able to collect the practical course. If the student does not take this step, a mark of 0/20 will be awarded for the practical in question. Any absence not justified by a medical certificate will result in a mark of 0/20 for the practical course concerned.
To validate the credits for the course, the average of the assessments for the 10 practical sessions must be greater than or equal to 10/20. In this case, the student will be exempted from the assessment scheduled during the June session and his/her final mark will be that of the continuous assessment (TP average).
If the student fails to achieve an average of 10/20, he/she will be notified before the examination session and will be required to sit a written assessment during the June session. The subject will focus on the knowledge and skills developed during practical work. The final grade for the course will be a weighted average of the continuous assessment (50%) and the written assessment (50%). Failure to attend the written examination will result in a mark of 0/20, which will be included in the final average.
A second session, with the same arrangements as the June session, will be organised for this UE. In particular, the mark for the written assessment in the second session (50%) will be averaged with the mark for the continuous assessment (50%), which remains unchanged.
The unit cannot be validated if fewer than 6 practical sessions (3 general chemistry and 3 organic chemistry) have actually been carried out and the student will then be awarded a mark of 0/20 (A) for the unit as a whole.


Sources, references and any support material

The "syllabus of practical work". "Concentré de Chimie", Presses Universitaires de Namur

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Pharmacy Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Pharmacy Standard 1 3
Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences Standard 1 3