Learning outcomes

• Memorise and understand the main concepts and fundamental biological functions, integrating the different levels of organisation, complexity and diversity of living organisms (molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organism, population)

• Cross-disciplinary approach to the subject (integrative biology)

• Master the basic knowledge of descriptive biochemistry, cell biology and genetics

• Master the vocabulary related to the subject


The objective of the practical sessions is to illustrate the theoretical course of General Biology SBIOB151.


TP1: Microscopy and cell structures
TP2: Cellular permeability
TP3: Enzymes and their Environment
TP4: Cellular Metabolism: The Yeast Model
TP5: The Cell Cycle
TP6: Meiosis
Attendance to he practical sessions is mandatory.

Teaching methods

Powerpoint presentations

Assessment method

The practical work will be assessed on a continuous basis during the 1st term. The weighted score obtained at the end of this process will be the January score. In the event of failure in January (score less than 10/20), a written practical exam or test via webcampus will be organised in June and August. However, this exam will not be available if the practical sessions of the 1st term have not been taken.

However, this exam will not be accessible if the TP sessions of the 1st semester have not been followed.

Attendance at the practical work is mandatory, even if (1) the student's registration has not yet been validated by the administration and/or (2) the student's annual programme has not yet been validated by the admission jury. Each unjustified absence will result in a mark of 0/20. No make-up sessions will be organised. The student must therefore take the initiative to contact the teacher or the assistants in order to join the participation lists for the practical sessions. The smooth running of practical sessions requires a certain amount of discipline. Any inappropriate behaviour (disrespect for instructions and people, drunkenness, endangering others,. ..) will be penalised by a mark of 0/20 for the session concerned. 

Sources, references and any support material

Biology (2nd edition) by Raven, Johnson, Mason, Losos and Singer (de Boeck edition, 2011) + additional documents that may be submitted on webcampus

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Pharmacy Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Pharmacy Standard 1 2