Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student must be able to apply the rules taught in the private and public law courses of BLOCK 1 to the concrete cases submitted to him/her. More specifically, it will be a question of solving "casus" (practical cases) built from concrete legal situations. The student must also be able to analyse decisions rendered by courts and tribunals.


The "casus" (practical cases) and decision analyses are evenly distributed between public and private law in relation to the teaching in the lectures of BLOCK 1.

Teaching methods

The course is essentially interactive. It takes the form of resolution and analysis of concrete legal situations. The exchange of views is encouraged in order to solve the statements. Students may be required to review the public or private law material that will be the subject of the exercises or to prepare them before the session.

Assessment method

The assessment takes the form of a written examination for each session. Two examination dates are offered to students per session.

Sources, references and any support material

The statements of the different practical cases discussed during the sessions, as well as the decisions analysed, will be available on Webcampus.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Law (shift schedule) Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Law (shift schedule) Standard 1 3