Learning outcomes

At the end of the practical exercise sessions, the student must be able to apply the rules taught in relation to the BLOCK 2 lectures to the concrete cases submitted to him/her. The subjects concerned therefore relate to family law, criminal law and criminal procedure, as well as the law of obligations and contracts. In practical terms, students will have to solve 'casus' (practical cases) based on concrete legal situations.  Students must also be able to analyse decisions handed down by courts and tribunals.


The "casus" (practical cases) and analyses of decisions are evenly divided between family law, criminal law and procedure, and the law of obligations and contracts in relation to the lectures given in BLOC 2.

Teaching methods

Sessions are essentially interactive. They take the form of solving and analysing concrete legal situations. Exchanges of views are encouraged with a view to resolving the issues. Students may be required to review family law, criminal law and procedure or the law of obligations and contracts, depending on the subject of the exercises, or to prepare them before the session.

Assessment method

Assessment takes the form of a written examination for all sessions. A partial examination is organised during the January assessment period for the exercises attached to the lectures, which are also examined during the January assessment period.

Sources, references and any support material

Statements of the various practical cases discussed during the sessions, as well as the decisions analysed, will be available on Webcampus.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Law (Evenings and Weekends Schedule) Standard 0 5
Bachelor in Law (Evenings and Weekends Schedule) Standard 2 5