Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will be able to : • Master the use of analytical techniques (titrations, UV and HPLC spectrometry) and electrochemical techniques (electropolymerisation, CV, electrogravimetry and corrosion) • Write a scientific report with a short introduction, a clear and concise presentation and discussion of the results and a conclusion • Conducting a literature search


The objectives of this practical work are : To become familiar with the different instrumental methods covered in the lecture SCHIB306 To apply experimentally the theoretical principles presented in the lecture SCHIB306 To become autonomous in handling analytical and electrochemical techniques


The practical work is divided into 7 manipulations: • Cyclic voltammetry study • Electropolymerisation of polypyrrole • Study of copper corrosion • Electrogravimetry • Quantification of caffeine by HPLC and UV • Titration by neutralisation (Kjeldhal method) • Titration of ascorbic and citric acids in a commercial drink

Teaching methods

The syllabus for the practical courses is available on Webcampus and contains a minimal description of the theoretical principles necessary for the practical courses. For certain parts of the practical exercises, students must carry out additional bibliographical research. The seven manipulations are spread over 9 days. The students work in groups of 2. They have to hand in a report for each manipulation within 7 days.

Assessment method

Students are assessed on the basis of their reports for each of the practical sessions. These reports must contain a brief introduction, a clear and concise presentation and discussion of the results and a conclusion. The grading takes into account the relevance, care and quality of the report. For quantitative analysis related practical work, the precision and accuracy of the result are important parameters. Attendance at the TP is mandatory All absences from the practical sessions must be duly justified (presentation of an official document, the original of which must be submitted to the science secretariat within the given time limit). Otherwise, a mark of 0/20 will be given for the missed session. If the absence is justified, the student is likely to complete and hand in an assignment for each day of missed lab. The topic of the assignment will be related to the missed practical work and will be based on a scientific publication or on data submitted by the teacher/assistant.

Sources, references and any support material

• Syllabus of the B3 Chemistry practical courses of the current academic year • Analytical Chemistry and Electrochemistry Course

Language of instruction
