Learning outcomes

To give students the opportunity to put biological chemistry concepts into practice in the laboratory.
Develop technical skills in the laboratory
Be able to keep a laboratory notebook
Be able to write a report 
Master the theoretical concepts related to experiments


The biological chemistry experiments on offer (biocatalysis, enzymology, enzyme purification and characterisation, representation of protein structures) aim to develop the following skills: 
- laboratory skills 
    Correct use of equipment (micropipettes, gauges for precision manipulations, etc.)
    Correct application of the operating procedures provided by the assistants
    Maintenance of laboratory equipment (dishes, scales, ....)
    Reasonable" use of reagents (do not prepare 2 litres of solution when 100 mL is needed)
- keeping a laboratory notebook
- writing a report
- mastery of theoretical concepts related to experiments


3 weeks of practical work (6-8 sessions)

To validate the UE, the student must attend all the compulsory practical sessions.

Teaching methods

laboratory sessions

Assessment method

To validate the UE, the student must attend all compulsory practical sessions.
Any absence from the practical sessions must be duly justified (presentation of an official document, the original of which must be submitted to the Science secretariat within the time allowed). Otherwise, the missed practical will be marked 0/20.
If the absence is justified, the student is likely to complete and hand in a piece of work for each day of practical work missed. The subject of the assignment will be related to the missed practical and will be based on a scientific publication or on data provided by the holder/assistant.
Assessment will be based on 4 main points: technical skills in the laboratory (continuous assessment), keeping a laboratory notebook, writing a report and a final examination. 
The assessment procedures will be transmitted via Webcampus.

Sources, references and any support material

see webcampus

Language of instruction
