Learning outcomes

The practical work aims to help the student understand and assimilate general physics lessons. They also aim to familiarize the student with the operation of certain measuring instruments (multimeter, frequency meter, oscilloscope, etc.). The goal is also to teach the student to correctly carry out, present and interpret the experiments described in the practical work manual.




1. Magnetic field measurement using Hall probe

2. Gamma radioactivity

3. Alternating currents and Doppler effect

4. X-ray properties

5. Coupled LC circuits

6. Wave optics

7. Michelson interferometer

8. Normal modes and dispersion relation in mechanics

9. Digital circuits

10. Carnot machine and heat pump



Teaching methods

Carrying out experiments in the laboratory. Taking measurements, analyzing and interpreting the results. Writing an experiment report.


Assessment method

Student attendance at practical sessions is mandatory.

The final mark includes a MCQs test, the evaluation of a laboratory report and an oral exam during which the student must reproduce part of the experiments carried out during the term.


Sources, references and any support material

The syllabi of the courses SPHYB124, SPHYB125, SPHYB126, SPHYB205, SPHYB207 and SPHYB229


Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Physics Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Physics Standard 2 3