Bénédicte Rochet
Faculté de philosophie et lettres
- Conseiller/Conseillère académique
Département d'histoire
- Directeur/Directrice de département
- Membre
Research institutes
Research center
Histoire, son et images
- Membre
Domains of expertise
- History of cinema (newsreels, Belgian cinema and world conflicts).
- First and Second World Wars.
- Visual history in the 20th century.
- Public history (documentaries, web-documentaries, exhibitions, etc.).
- Judicial personnel in the 19th century.
External responsibilities
- Member of the Belgium WWII support committee (since 2021)
- Lecturer in History of Silent Cinema, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 (2014-15 / 2015-16).
- Lecturer in Visual Culture, Master in Transmedia Architecture, Heaj-UNamur-Imep (2016-2022)
- Member of the Council of Private Archive Centres of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (2007-2018).
- Member of the monitoring committee of the ‘Oral Memory’ platform for the development of oral sources in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (2016-2018).
- Co-Chair of the FNRS contact group ‘Images and History: production, circulation and communication’.
- Member of Kinétraces, an international and interdisciplinary association for research into film heritage (since 2013).
- Expert on the monitoring committee of the BRAIN-MADDLAIN project, Modernize Access to Digital Data in Libraries and Archives Identifying Needs (2015-2017). 800x600
- Member of the steering committee of the EURO-HISMEDIA research network (European Media History Research Network) (since 2002).
PhD in History (UNamur 2014)
Degree in History (UCL 1994-1998)
Agrégation in Higher Secondary Education (UCL 1999)
DES in European Studies (IEE-UCL 1998-1999)
Heuristique de l'Époque Contemporaine [LHISB212]
Heuristique de l'Époque Contemporaine [LHISB212]
Histoire du cinéma [LLETM304]
Heuristique de l'Époque Contemporaine [LHISB212]
Histoire du cinéma [LLETM304]