Natalie Rigaux



Natalie Rigaux has devoted most of her research to the moral and political issues raised by the care of ‘demented’ people. In conjunction with a book (‘Au fil du soin’, Peter Lang, 2022), a website enables all those concerned to share stories of care that encourage ethical and political reflection on care and its protagonists.

As part of her teaching activities, she and other colleagues have developed the sociology practice site, which encourages active learning of sociology by placing exercises and instructions online.

Research institutes

Transitions - Membre

Research center

Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les vieillissements - Directeur/Directrice d'un centre/unité de recherche


Domains of expertise

General Sociology, Methodology, Anthropology, Sociology of Health, Sociology of ageing.

External responsibilities

Gérontologie et société’ journal
Geriatrics, psychology and neuropsychiatry of ageing’ journal


Degree in Sociology.
Degree in Economics.
Doctorate in Public Health.

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