Pierre-Yves Schobbens
Pierre-Yves Schobbens is a professor of computer science, specializing in software verification. He is interested in model checking, logic, formal software development methods, software product lines, and agent-oriented software engineering. He is also in charge of international relations for his faculty.
Research institutes
Research center
Domains of expertise
Software Specification,
Formal Software Development Methods,
Software Service Interaction,
Software Product Lines,
Agent-Oriented Software,
Temporal Logic,
Model Checking,
Artificial Intelligence.
External responsibilities
Founding member of Ada-Belgique
Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Information and Engineering Sciences and Technologies of the CNRS (France) from 2007 to 2010.
Member of the IFIP groups 1.3, 5.8, and 2.12.
Administrator of ETNIC (CFB Computer Science) from 2003 to 2005
Expert for the FNRS, FRIA, FNR (Luxembourg), ANR (France), FP6 (Europe), CNRS (France), BSF (Israel), CNRC (Canada), and NWO.
Reviewer for the scientific journals TOSEM, CN, Comm. ACM, SCP, IJICIS, JLC, TSE, TSI, BSM, etc.
Co-PC Chair of MFI 2009, MCCM 2008, MoVaH08, AFADL 2007.
PC member of LMO 2010, IAT/WI 2009, Modse, MCCM, ME (Models and Evolution), IWEI 2009, EuroDocInfo09, HuCom08, ICFI'09, MoVaH08, NorMAS'09, WADT 2008, UML&FM, MCCM, MFI, AFADL, AMFInE 2012, CLIMA, CSD&M 2013, etc.
B. Philosophy, UCL, 1982
Ir. Math. App. or. Economics, UCL, 1983
Ir. Computer Science, UCL, 1984
Dr. Computer Science, UCL, 1992
Most Influential Paper Award, VAMOS 2024
Most Influential Paper Award, Software Product Lines Conferencee 2020
Most Influential Paper Award, International Requirements Engineering Conference 2016
Best presentation SAFECOMP 2012
Invited professor at Ecole Normale Supérieur (Cachan), Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse), University of Birmingham, Ecole Centrale (Nantes), Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble).
Invited researcher by Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD), Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).
Algorithmique [INFOB237]
Initiation à la démarche scientifique [IHDCB339]
Syntaxe et sémantique des langages [INFOB314]
Algorithmique 2 [IHDCB331]
Vérification de modèles [INFOM471]
Syntaxe et sémantique des langages [IHDCB332]
Algorithmique [INFOB237]
Initiation à la démarche scientifique [IHDCB339]
Syntaxe et sémantique des langages [INFOB314]
Algorithmique 2 [IHDCB331]
Vérification de modèles [INFOM471]
Syntaxe et sémantique des langages [IHDCB332]
Algorithmique [INFOB237]
Initiation à la démarche scientifique [IHDCB339]
Syntaxe et sémantique des langages [INFOB314]
Algorithmique 2 [IHDCB331]
Vérification de modèles [INFOM471]
Syntaxe et sémantique des langages [IHDCB332]
Algorithmique [INFOB237]
Initiation à la démarche scientifique [IHDCB339]
Syntaxe et sémantique des langages [INFOB314]
Algorithmique 2 [IHDCB331]
Vérification de modèles [INFOM471]
Syntaxe et sémantique des langages [IHDCB332]