Sophie Béreau
I obtained a PhD in Economics from the University of Paris Ouest and CREST-INSEE in October 2010. Until September 2016, I was a full professor at the Université catholique de Louvain - Louvain School of Management and am currently a lecturer in finance at the Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Management at the University of Namur and a faculty member of CORE.
Research institutes
Research center
Domains of expertise
My research focuses mainly on macro-finance, financial complexity and sustainable finance, with a particular interest in modelling asset prices, the financial fragility inherent in the networked structure of financial markets and the measurement of sustainability.
2010: Doctoral thesis in Economics, University of Paris Nanterre
2007: Magistère in Modelling Applied to Economics and Management, Université Paris Nanterre
2005: Degree in Econometrics, University of Paris Nanterre
2004: Diplôme d'Etudes Universitaires Générales in Applied Mathematics and Social Sciences, Université Paris Diderot
2011: Banque de France Foundation Prize for the best thesis in monetary, financial and banking economics
Econométrie pour ingénieurs [EINGB314]
Portfolio Management [ELFIM400]
Principes de finance [EFASB356]
Probabilités et inférence statistique [ECGEB252]
Projet : business plan [ECGEB264]
Projet : business plan [EITGB217]
Projet : business plan [EIMIB215]
Sustainable Finance [ELFIM408]
Econométrie pour ingénieurs [EINGB314]
Portfolio Management [ELFIM400]
Principes de finance [EFASB356]
Probabilités et inférence statistique [ECGEB252]
Projet : business plan [EIMIB215]
Projet : business plan [EITGB217]
Projet : business plan [ECGEB264]
Sustainable Finance [ELFIM408]
Econométrie pour ingénieurs [EINGB314]
Portfolio Management [ELFIM400]
Principes de finance [EFASB356]
Probabilités et inférence statistique [ECGEB252]
Projet : entrepreneuriat [EIMIB215]
Projet : entrepreneuriat [EITGB217]
Sustainable Finance [ELFIM408]
Portfolio Management [ELFIM400]
Probabilités et inférence statistique [ECGEB252]
Sustainable Finance [ELFIM408]