LUCAS Stéphane

Stéphane Lucas



Director of the LARN (Nuclear Reaction Analysis Laboratory) (2007-...)
Director of the Mechanics Workshop
Member of the Board of the Faculty of Science
Member of the Board of the Faculty of Medicine and Science
Management of access to the University's laboratories during COVID's term of office
Certified expert in radiation protection (until 2019)
Director of NARILIS (Namur Research Institute for Life Science) (until 2014)


Research institutes

Research center

Domains of expertise

Materials science:

  • Surface treatment of 1D, 2D, 3D materials with ion beam, physical vapour deposition, plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition (PECVD).
  • Chemical surface analysis (XPS, RBS, NRA, etc.)
  • Mechanical investigations of surfaces (nanohardness, wear, ....)
  • Monte-Carlo simulation of plasma processes and film growth (NASCAM)

Life sciences

  • In-vitro radiobiology with photons and charged particles
  • MCPNX simulations
  • Theranostics with nanoparticle-based biological vectors

Radioprotection: Interaction of ionising radiation with inert and biological materials

Other: Business management (Business Plans, Turnover, etc.), Accelerator technology (Linear, Cyclotrons), Coaching for business projects

External responsibilities

Appointed scientific expert to the Governor of the Province of Namur on issues relating to nuclear materials
Reviewer for numerous journals
Creation of the spin-off Innovative Coating Solutions (ICS, 2017)
Scientific Advisor for Ion Beam Application (IBA), Belgium
Scientific Advisor for IRE (Institut National des Radioéléments), Fleurus, Belgium
Elected member of the scientific council of MOL/SCK-CEN (Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie - Centre d'étude de l'énergie nucléaire) (until 2019)
Representative of the Académie Louvain on the steering committee of the Marshall Plan, Mirage Project (until 2019)
Member of the Committee for the Promotion of Research in Mont-Godinne (equivalent to the Research Council), until 2014
Holder of the ‘introduction to industrial plasmas’ course, Mirage project
Member of the Board of Directors of the Mecatech cluster (until 2019)
Member of the Board of Directors of the BHTC (Belgian Hadron Therapy Centre, - until 2020)
Visiting professor at the University of Columbia, NY (USA-2009/2010)


PhD in Physical Sciences (with thesis).
Degree in Business Administration.
Certificate from the SBPA (Société Belge pour le Perfectionnement des Affaires).


Triennial prize of the Belgium Aluminium Association, 1992.
Namurois of the Year 2011 - Confluent.


This person also has a profile on the UNamur research portal.

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