Learning outcomes

In many molecular mechanisms, the three-dimensional structure of proteins allows to explain fundamental processes such as the binding of partners, catalysis or allostery. At the end of the course, the student should be able to analyse a three-dimensional (3D) structure of proteins, to have a critical point of view about the validity of the proposed structure, and to familiarized with the techniques of 3D structure determination and prediction.


Familiarize the student with tridimensional (3D) structure of proteins, from experimental determination until prediction methods. Protein engineering will also be discussed, with examples from the scientific literature and invited speakers.


Experimental and theoretical approaches linked to the modeling of proteins 3D structures. Limits and possibilities offered by protein engineering.

Table of contents

- Basic introduction about proteins 3D structures

- 3D structure determination of proteins (XRD, NMR) : concepts, applications and examples

- 3D structure prediction

- Conformational changes

- Function prediction for proteins

- 3D structure of membrane proteins

- Protein engineering


A practical course with the cristallisation of a protein and initial analysis by X ray diffraction is proposed

Teaching methods

The course is given with powerpoint presentations that are available in PDF format from the Webcampus website. Invited speakers active in the field of protein structure and function are invited to present their research to the students.

Assessment method

The assesment method will be presented at the first course. It usually consists in two parts :

- a summary of each invited conference, possibly with the analysis of slected article published by the invited speaker

- the presentation of an article about 3D structure and its functional consequences, and the active participation to the presentations made by the other students

Sources, references and any support material

A PDF version of the slides is available on the Webcampus site.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Biology Standard 0 3
Master in Physics, Professional focus Standard 0 3
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching focus Standard 0 3
Master in Physics, Professional focus in Physics and Data Standard 0 3
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Professional focus Standard 0 3
Master in Physics Standard 0 3
Master in Physics, Teaching focus Standard 0 3
Master in Physics, Research focus Standard 0 3
Master in Biomedical Sciences, Professional focus in Preclinical Research Standard 0 2
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Research focus Standard 0 3
Master in Biology Standard 1 3
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching focus Standard 1 3
Master in Physics, Professional focus in Physics and Data Standard 1 3
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Professional focus Standard 1 3
Master in Physics, Teaching focus Standard 1 3
Master in Physics, Research focus Standard 1 3
Master in Physics Standard 1 3
Master in Biomedical Sciences, Professional focus in Preclinical Research Standard 1 2
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Research focus Standard 1 3
Master in Physics, Professional focus Standard 1 3
Master in Physics, Professional focus Standard 2 3
Master in Physics, Professional focus in Physics and Data Standard 2 3
Master in Physics, Teaching focus Standard 2 3
Master in Physics, Research focus Standard 2 3