Learning outcomes

As part of the Competency-Based Approach, students will be trained in the following critical skills.

Experimenting in physics

The student will carry out an analysis of the radiation risks associated with a given experiment, with a view to proposing an experimental protocol that meets current radiation protection standards. The student will carry out experimental measurements to validate the protocol and will write a report to present their results.

Communicate concepts, experimental results and their interpretation

Students will apply the standards of written scientific communication.

Build your professionalism as a physicist

A risk analysis in radiation protection requires distinguishing scientific facts from opinions or preconceived ideas. A critical analysis of the literature (taking care to cross-reference sources of information) and measurements is essential in order to set up an effective radiation protection protocol.


The aim of this course is to enable students to combine and use physics concepts covered elsewhere (e.g. SPHYB305 and SPHYM101) in order to apply them to a new concept covered in this teaching unit: radiation protection.
At the end of this course, students will be able to carry out an analysis of the radiation risks associated with a given experiment. On the basis of this risk analysis, the students will be able to propose an experimental protocol enabling the experiment to be carried out in compliance with radiation protection standards. Students will also be able to validate their protocol experimentally.


The theoretical part is structured around the following chapters:

  1. Radiation and radioactivity
  2. Interaction of radiation with matter and biological effects
  3. Detection and measurement of radiation
  4. Principles of radiation protection and legal framework
  5. Applications

This course includes tutorials and practical work.

Assessment method

Assessment of the theory course takes place in the January or August term, in the form of an open oral examination. Each student is given time to prepare and answer a question drawn at random, which they then present orally. The mark obtained accounts for 2/3 of the overall mark.
Tutorials and practical work will be assessed on the basis of a written report that students hand in to their tutor no later than the first day of the January or August session. The mark obtained will account for 1/3 of the overall mark.

Language of instruction
