Learning outcomes

After this course, the student must be able to:

  • Define the practice of Requirements Engineering, its actors, its key elements and concepts
  • Define the Requirements Engineering process, its different stages, its objectives, as well as the difficulties related to this activity
  • Provide conceptual and / or technical solutions to typical challenges implied by Requirements Engineering in an organization
  • Address the topic of requirements engineering with a critical view: understand which RE tools are the most appropriate, targeting the strengths and weaknesses of the different theories studied during the lecture, etc.
  • Discover scientific literature on requirements engineering, and be able to find appropriate sources on advance RE topics


Discover a methodology to uncover, represent and validate the requirements of a business towards a new information system. Create a specifications for this future system, and avoid mismatch between expectations and deliverables. Produce a specification of a system that is compliant with the state of knowledge and business processes existing in a given company.


  • Chapter 1 - Requirements engineering foundations
  • Chapter 2 - System and context boundaries
  • Chapter 3 - Requirements elicitation
  • Chapter 4 - Requirements documentation
  • Chapter 5 - Writing requirements in natural language
  • Chapter 6 - Model-based requirements documentation
  • Chapter 7 - Requirements validation and negotiation
  • Chapter 8 - Requirements management

Assessment method

First session:

  • Assignment: 60% (group evaluation)
  • Oral exam: 40% (individual evaluation)

Second session:

  • Assignment: 60% (improvement on the existing assignment)
  • Oral exam: 40% (individual evaluation)

For each session, students must obtain at least 12/20 on their individual evaluation to obtain the assignemnt group.  

Sources, references and any support material

Pohl, K. (2010). Requirements engineering: fundamentals, principles, and techniques. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated.

Robertson, S., & Robertson, J. (2012). Mastering the requirements process: Getting requirements right. Addison-wesley.

Language of instruction
