Learning outcomes

At the end of the research initiation, the students will be able to achieve a litterature search, to conduct experiments autonomously, to analyse their own data and to present (oral presentation and manuscript writing) the result of their scientific work


The master students will choose a topic of their choice and will join a research group where they will be supervised on a daily basis by a PhD student or a Postdoc and at a more global extent by the PI.


- labwork

- computer work (in silico analyses, literature search, preparation of presentation, manuscript writing)

- group meetings, research unit meetings, local and national scientific meetings

Assessment method

The Research initiation evaluation will take place at the end of the June assessment period.
- The students are requested to upload on Webcampus a pdf manuscript in English of maximum 4000 words (table of content, abstract, figure legends and bibliography not included) consisting in an overview of the scientific literature related to one aspect of the Research initiation project (to be discussed beforehand with the supervisor). The manuscript must include an abstract (max 250 words), an introduction and a conclusion. The writing will fulfil the following requirements: Calibri font 11-12, line spacing 1.15, figures in the text, numbered referencing. The manuscript must be approved by the supervisor before being uploaded on Webcampus. While writing the manuscript, the students must be aware that plagiarism will be sanctioned. Plagiarism is the action « to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own, to use (another's production) without crediting the source, to commit literary theft and to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source » (Merriam-Webster online dictionary). The supervisor can help his/her student if there is any doubt about this.
- The manuscript is evaluated by the jury members (see below) and the average of the grades provided by the jury members accounts for 35% of the Research initiation grade.
- Each student will also present in 10 minutes a poster emphasizing the Research context, the aim of the project (highlighting the biological question), the strategy, the results and the perspectives. It should be noted that the students will be graded on their ability to analyse and to discuss the data (even if most of the experiments performed during the Research initiation were dedicated to tools design and constructs) more than on the amount of data gathered during the second semester. The poster presentation is followed by a 20 minutes Q/A session by the jury. The average of the grades provided by the jury members for the poster presentation accounts for 35% of the Research initiation grade.
- Each supervisor grades (30% of the Research initiation grade) his/her student by considering the lab work, the discussions, the motivation and the evolution of the student throughout the Research initiation.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Molecular Microbiology, Research focus Standard 0 21
Master in Molecular Microbiology, Research focus Standard 1 21