Research Master thesis
- UE code SCHIM201
- ECTS Credits 15
At the end of the course, the student will be able to : • Conducting original experimental research in a research laboratory setting; • Work both collaboratively and independently in a research laboratory; • Write a long written text, meeting the standards of university teaching, summarising the essence of the research work carried out; • To present the essence of the research work carried out to an academic audience; • Defend and justify the research work carried out from a scientific point of view; • Design and present a poster summarising the essence of the research project including some of the work already done.
The dissertation work is carried out over the two years of the Master's programme (2nd semester of Master 1 and 1st semester of Master 2). During the first semester of the Master 2, the student completes the research work started during the first year of the Master and presents a poster. At the end of this term, the student writes, presents and defends his/her thesis.
The student carries out his/her research under the supervision of his/her promoter and with the help of the researchers in charge of supervising him/her. They have access to the resources of the laboratory to carry out their research. They are required to attend and participate in seminars organised by the research laboratory.
Assessment method During the first semester of M2, the student will have to present part of his/her research activities by writing an abstract and preparing a poster which will be presented to all members of the Department and evaluated by a jury. Any late submission of the poster abstract will result in a mark of 0/20 for the "poster" grade. At the end of the first semester of M2, a written text summarising all the results obtained during the research activities will be submitted by the student. The exact dates for the submission of written work and presentations will be communicated by the secretariat of the Department of Chemistry. Any late submission of the written dissertation will result in a ban on the oral presentation and defence of the dissertation during the January session. During the January session, the student will defend his/her thesis before a jury made up of academic and scientific members of the Department as well as external guest(s), specialists in the field of research. The assessment of the unit is based on four elements: • Poster assessment - assessed by 2 members of the jury This element counts for 10% of the EU mark. • The quality of the work done during the year - rated by the thesis sponsor in consultation with the supervising team. This element counts for 40% of the EU mark. • The quality of the written text - graded by the reporters (2 internal and 1 external) of the dissertation This element counts for 25% of the EU grade. • The quality of the oral presentation and defence - graded by the dissertation referees and the jury This element counts for 25% of the EU grade. To validate the credits of the course unit, the student must obtain a mark of at least 10/20 in each component of the mark. During the August session, if the mark for the written work and/or the presentation/defence of the dissertation is less than 10/20, the student may hand in a written text summarising all the results obtained during the research activities and present and defend his/her work before a jury made up of academic and scientific members of the Department as well as external guest(s) specialising in the research field. During the same session, if the "poster" mark acquired previously is less than 10/20, the student may present a poster which will be evaluated by a jury. A (non-exhaustive) list of evaluation criteria is available on WebCampus
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Master in Chemistry, Professional focus in Chemistry in Industry | Standard | 0 | 15 | |
Master in Chemistry, Research focus | Standard | 0 | 15 | |
Master in Chemistry, Research focus | Standard | 2 | 15 | |
Master in Chemistry, Professional focus in Chemistry in Industry | Standard | 2 | 15 |