Learning outcomes

The course Research Project: Digital Transition is an integrated teaching unit (unité d’enseignement intégrée). It follows the progression of competences targeted by the learning by doing projects: to observe (bloc 1), to explain (bloc 2), to act (bloc 3). The project aims at providing students with the fundamental methodological, analytical, and theoretical tools to analyze digital transition and digital divides. Through the project, students acquire the ability to build a research problematic about the digital transition of our society, defining a research question, conducting a literature review, collecting relevant data, analyzing these data and discussing their hypothesis.

The teaching method combines the added-value of lectures (introducing students to fundamental concepts and theories of digital transition and digital divides) with empirical and theoretical analyses of real case-studies conducted by the students. Students apply concepts and theoretical models to an empirical analysis of their choice (in coordination with the teacher, teaching assistants, and professional experts). Regular meetings are organized with the teacher and teaching assistants to receive comprehensive feedback throughout both semesters, before the final jury and the submission of their research paper.

Consequently, the organization of the course largely relies on students’ regular participation and commitment to field work (including the development of data collection tools, such as interviews, questionnaires or participatory observation).



The main objectives of the course are the following:

  • Building a research design and a research strategy
  • Using an appropriate research method
  • Developing a critical stance vis-à-vis the research method used
  • Writing a research paper
  • Writing an abstract in English
  • Orally presenting your research findings in front of a jury
  • Using collaborative working techniques



The course takes place over the entire academic year and is divided into 4 complementary modules. Each module provides students with the specific knowledge and necessary skills for the final jury and the production of a research paper.

  • Module 1: Comprendre l’épistémologie et les méthodes de recherche
  • Module 2: Understanding digital transition and digital divides
    • + English coaching sessions
    • + “Soft skills” en recherche
  • Module 3: Apprendre à collecter et analyser des données
  • Module 4: Conducting a research on digital transition and digital divides


Assessment method

The evaluation of the course is a continuous and additive process taking place throughout the academic year for the different modules. It is therefore crucial that each student starts working as early as day 1. Overall, the evaluation method of the different modules is both individual and collective and mobilizes different evaluation methods (i.e., a traditional written exam, oral exam, oral group presentations, research paper, etc.). To pass the course, students must (1) pass all 4 modules (2) and get an average of 10/20 for the academic year.


Prof. in charge of the evaluation

Type of exam

Form of the exam


Module 1

N. Burnay

Examen individuel

Examen écrit (en français) à la fin du quadrimestre


Module 2

L. Burton

Individual assessment

Multiple-choice questionnaire (in English) at the end of the semester



Module 2

L. Burton
S. Dethise Martinez

Évaluation collective

Présentation orale (en français) pendant le quadrimestre 



Prof. in charge of the evaluation

Type of exam

Form of the exam


Module 4

S. Dethise Martinez

Collective assessment

Continuous evaluation (respect of deadlines, content and peer-review work)


Module 3-4

N. Burnay
L. Burton
S. Dethise Martinez
N. Schutz

Collective assessment

Final jury – oral presentations and Q&A (in French)


Module 4

L. Burton

Collective assessment

Research paper



Abstract writing


Retake session

The students who fail the evaluation of module 1 and/or module 2 (i.e., individual evaluations) must retake their exam during the June session. There is no retake exam for the group oral presentation of module 2.

The students who fail the final paper and/or the abstract writing must retake their evaluation during the August session. There are no retake exams for the final jury (modules 3-4) and for the continuous evaluation


Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Information and Communication Standard 0 10
Bachelor in Information and Communication Standard 2 10