The Research Administration supports and assists researchers in their funding efforts. On this page, you'll find the various information and contact persons for the institution's different funding bodies.

Research funding database

Calls for funding applications, from all funding sources, have been listed together on an online platform dedicated to research funding. This space is accessible to all UNamur members, whatever their status or career stage: students, PhD students, post-docs (researchers R1-R2); academic or assimilated staff (researchers R3-R4); Administrative, Technical and Management staff (ATG).

UNamur members can access the platform with their usual UNamur login/password and consult all current calls, permanent calls and recurring calls. The search bar allows you to search by criteria (donor, target audience, research area) or with any keyword.

Calls are listed there in the main language of the donor's website.

Funding managed by the Research Council

The Research Council is the strategic support body for research. As part of its mission to provide administrative support to the Vice-Rector for Research, President of the Research Council, ADRE is required to manage various calls/files internally.

To cite just a few examples: ARC (FWB), institutional doctoral and post-doctoral grants, travel grants (FWB), FSR (Fonds Spécial Recherche) - repêchage mandats (aspirant, FRIA, FRESH), co-financing and co-tutelle, support for Doctoral Schools (FNRS).

Financing managed by other departments

The International Relations Department manages student, doctoral and post-doctoral mobility with WBI, AUF, BAEF and Fulbright funders, as well as ARES-CCD calls.

The EURAXESS cell also manages researcher mobility (doctoral and post-doctoral students) in the TRANSUNIV.

ADRE also handles private and foundation funding, as well as institutional funding:

The Fundraising Unit ( supports researchers in mobilizing alternative funding sources (fundraising, foundations and private funds, Loterie Nationale, ASBL, crowdfunding, sponsorship, etc.). 

Contact persons

Jean-Pascal PIRET

FNRS and associated funds, FWB, federal funding


Walloon Region, structural funds, companies

Christelle SAOUT and Erika LOMBART

European Union (ESA, H2020, Horizon Europe)