Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to understand the importance of scientific communication in carrying out a research project. They will be familiar with the different methods of communication and will have the tools to popularise scientific data according to the target audience.


The objectives of the teaching unit are as follows: 
- Master the basics of scientific communication; 
- Identify the relevant information to be included depending on the form of communication chosen (abstract, poster or oral); 
- Master the art of popularising science. 


This course will cover the various means of scientific communication: scientific article, abstract, poster, powerpoint presentation, oral presentation. Using classroom exercises, students will be encouraged to communicate or popularise scientific data for different target audiences. 

Table of contents

1. Scientific communication 
2. Writing an abstract 
3. Poster presentation 
4. Preparing an oral presentation

Teaching methods

Students will have access to the slides presented during the course, which will be available on the webcampus. Practical exercises will be carried out in class to help students with the various aspects of scientific communication. 

Assessment method

The scientific communication examination will take the form of an oral presentation (‘pitch’) on the student's placement project followed by a question and answer session. 
The assessment procedures may be modified for organisational reasons in the event of large cohorts. In such cases, the teaching unit coordinator will notify the students by 15 November of the current academic year at the latest. 
The second session will follow the same assessment procedures.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Pharmacy, Research focus Standard 0 3
Master in Pharmacy, Research focus Standard 1 3