Specialised Master in Heritage Conservation and Restoration
regular course
- ECTS Credits 120
The Université de Namur is co-organizing the Master of Specialization in Conservation-Restoration of Immovable Cultural Heritage with the Université catholique de Louvain, the Université Libre de Bruxelles, the Université de Liège, the Université de Mons and the Haute-École Charlemagne.
The full program is available on the Université catholique de Louvain website.
For registration to the Master of Specialization, please contact the Université catholique de Louvain.
The University of Namur offers Advanced Master in Heritage Conservation and Restoration jointly with the UCLouvain, the ULB, the ULiège, the UMons and the Haute-École Charlemagne.
Full details of the programme are available on the website of the UCLouvain.
To register for the Master of Specialization, please contact the UCLouvain.
The University of Namur provides teaching in the following areas:
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LPATR2110 Définitions, notions et spécificités du patrimoine culturel immobilier 128h th. 16 LPATR2261 Séminaires, conférences, exercices pratiques, voyage et visites 6 LPATR2130 Étude de cas transversale, diagnostics et matériaux 160h th. 20 LPATR2120 Méthodologie et master plan 128h th. 16
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LPATR2110 Définitions, notions et spécificités du patrimoine culturel immobilier 16 128h th. LPATR2261 Séminaires, conférences, exercices pratiques, voyage et visites 6 LPATR2130 Étude de cas transversale, diagnostics et matériaux 20 80h th. 80h th. LPATR2120 Méthodologie et master plan 16 128h th.