Specialized Master in International and Development Economics
regular course
- ECTS Credits 60

The Specialized Master in International and Development Economics (SMIDE) aims to train present and future actors of development to be able to devise realistic and innovative programmes which are based on sound economic analysis and well adjusted to the social and political context of a country.
This 60 ECTS one-year postgraduate programme has been offered jointly by the Université de Namur and the Université Catholique de Louvain for more than 20 years.
Your objectives
- To acquire international standards of economic analysis and increase your abilities in this field.
- To complement your personal experience with foreign perceptions of the world economy.
- To gain the maturity needed to further sharpen your professional or research objectives.
- To be able to design and implement innovative programmes for economic and human development.
- To understand and assess the models and methods used by international organisations, foreign governments and consultants
in development assistance and international economic relations. - To play an educational role by explaining to local decision-makers the rationale and usefulness of economic reforms in their local context.
Why study at UNamur?
- The programme’s professorship includes academics with a well-established international reputation and extensive field experience in developing countries (India, Poland, Andean countries, Sub-Saharan Africa, etc.).
- You will have access to pedagogical resources (libraries, language and computer labs, etc.) on both the UNamur and UCLouvain campuses.
- The University campus is situated in the centre of Namur, a small and student-friendly city at only 60km from Brussels, the capital of Europe.
- The programme is fully taught in English.
For students with professional experience from Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Peru, the Philippines, Republic of Guinea, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, the Belgian Government offers a limited number of full scholarships through the ARES (Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur) programme.
Information and an application form are available on the ARES website
The application deadline for these scholarships is mid-February.
The courses and seminars take place mainly at the University of Namur. Once a week, lectures are held at the Université Catholique de Louvain in Louvain-La-Neuve.
The programme starts with a one month course reviewing the main analytical tools of economics. Whilst mostly theoretical, classes make constant reference to the applications of these concepts and methods. An evaluation takes place at the end of the first month. Those who show deficiencies are required to retake these exams before the end of the first semester.
The programme has a two-sided economic approach. On the one hand, it analyses macroeconomic and trade policy issues related to the growth of an economy within the world market system.
On the other hand, it analyses ways of reducing poverty and inequality and explores the institutional structures required for the effective working of a market economy in the context of specific countries.
Macroeconomics and trade policies
The macroeconomics theme addresses the issues of macroeconomic fluctuations, macro-finance and development. It focuses on the determinants of the balance of payments, domestic growth rates, employment level and structure, inflation rates, public sector accounts and external debt.
Particular attention is devoted to the interaction between exchange rates, interest rates, monetary and fiscal policy instruments and the real world economy.
Case studies on different countries are used to assess the relative costs of adjustments or policies, as well as to evaluate the contribution of various policy regimes or macroeconomic policies to sustainable and balanced growth objectives.
The programme also studies the opportunities and constraints met by an economy when it integrates into the world market economy.
Special attention is devoted to themes such as the relationship between economic growth and international trade, the role of multinational firms, the localisation of activities and the management of adjustment costs after trade shocks.
Trade and policy aspects are also analysed: the strategic behaviour of firms and governments and the role of regional and supra-regional organisations.
Development and Institutions
The subjects offered in this field cover the key topics in development economics today. The topics include:
- Poverty: We discuss key concepts and measures of poverty and inequality. We examine the current situation of poverty in the world and conduct a critical analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Microfinance: We study the role of formal and informal lending institutions in developing countries and discuss whether microfinance can be considered a «revolution» in development.
- Education: We examine the decision to invest in education at a micro and a macro level and discuss what we know today about
the return to education. - Gender issues: We present Amartya Sen’s analysis of ‘missing women’. We discuss discrimination at the level of households and study the main decision models including intra-household bargaining.
- The links between poverty and the environment: After an introduction to environmental economics and its key concepts,
we examine what we know today about the relationships between development, poverty and the environment. - The role of institutions in development: Different economic approaches to institutions are presented, discussed and illustrated. Modes of transaction, contracts, informal arrangements and social norms receive particular attention. The underlying functions of saving on transaction costs, overcoming incentive problems and providing coordination are highlighted. Two important fields of the application of institutional analysis are covered in more detail: systems of property rights and agrarian contracts.
Each topic is covered in formal lectures and an emphasis is placed on policy responses to central problems in development today.
Each course also provides with essential methods and tools that can be applied to a wide range of economic problems. In particular, you will learn how to compute and assess poverty measures, how to conduct a cost-benefit analysis and a rigorous impact evaluation and how to address the issue of institutional choice in specific situations. Various personal projects provide opportunities to apply these tools.
The programme ends with the completion of a personal study project on an economic topic. This research project is continuously developed throughout the year and is subject to critical appraisal from fellow students and professors. The project consists of a case study – a theoretical or an empirical analysis. Public presentations of the project at various stages aim to contribute to the group learning experience. The final report will consider a precise economic issue.

Study organization
Coursework and assessment
The programme begins with a month-long course session reviewing the main analytical tools of economics. Although mainly theoretical, the courses make constant reference to the applications of these concepts and methods. An assessment takes place at the end of the month. Those with deficiencies are required to retake these exams before the end of the first semester of the program.
Exams are held at the end of each semester, in January and June. Make-up exams are held in August.
Personal study project
Each student carries out a personal study project on an economic topic of particular interest to him or her.
The research project is developed continuously throughout the year and is critically assessed by students and teachers. The project consists of a case study, theoretical or empirical analysis.
At the beginning of the year, students can propose a topic. They then meet with a supervisor to define its objectives and assess the feasibility of their proposal.Alternatively, students can choose from a list of topics proposed by professors.
Public presentations of the work at various stages are intended to contribute to the group learning experience. The final report will focus on a specific economic issue and will be submitted before the June examination session.
Geographical location
Courses and seminars are held mainly at the University of Namur (UNamur). Once a week, classes are held at the Université Catholique de Louvain in Louvain-La-Neuve (UCLouvain).
A short distance apart, the two institutions offer courses in their professors' areas of specialization. Students have access to the teaching resources (libraries, language and computer laboratories...) of both universities.
Academic calendar
Start of courses: September 15
End of courses: June 30
- Programme coordinator: Romain Houssa, romain.houssa@unamur.be
- Tutor: Stéphanie Weynants, stephanie.weynants@unamur.be
- Secretariat: smide@unamur.be, tel. +32 (0)81 72 48 23
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 ECONM821 Growing population and the environment : economic approach BALAND Jean-Marie 30h th. 4 ESMDM331 Economics of society and development 30h th. 4 LEDEV2132 Economic Growth and International Development 30h th. 4 Soft skillsECONM825 World Poverty and Inequality: diagnostic and policies Guirkinger Catherine 30h th. 4 ESMDM334 Evaluation of Public Interventions 30h th. 4 LEDEV2120 Seminar in Development : International Migration 30h th. 4 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 ESMDM350 Personal Project 60h ex. 16 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 Soft skillsESMDM311 Fluctuations and Development 30h th. 4 ESMDM312 Macro-Finance and Development 30h th. 4 ESMDM321 Trade and Development : Specialization and Diversification 30h th. 4 ESMDM322 Economic Integration and Trade 30h th. 4 LEDEV2130 Seminar in Development and Macroeconomics Policies 30h th. 4
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 ECONM821 Growing population and the environment : economic approach BALAND Jean-Marie 4 30h th. ESMDM331 Economics of society and development 4 30h th. LEDEV2132 Economic Growth and International Development 4 30h th. Soft skillsECONM825 World Poverty and Inequality: diagnostic and policies Guirkinger Catherine 4 30h th. ESMDM334 Evaluation of Public Interventions 4 30h th. LEDEV2120 Seminar in Development : International Migration 4 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 ESMDM350 Personal Project 16 30h ex. 30h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 Soft skillsESMDM311 Fluctuations and Development 4 30h th. ESMDM312 Macro-Finance and Development 4 30h th. ESMDM321 Trade and Development : Specialization and Diversification 4 30h th. ESMDM322 Economic Integration and Trade 4 30h th. LEDEV2130 Seminar in Development and Macroeconomics Policies 4 30h th.
Admission requirements
Seuls les candidats avec des connaissances suffisantes en économie seront considérés.
Dans certains cas, les candidats peuvent être soumis à un test écrit au cours de la procédure d'admission.
Les candidats titulaires d’un diplôme délivré au sein de la Communauté française de Belgique doivent disposer d’un master en 60 ou 120 crédits.
Les candidats titulaires d’un diplôme délivré hors de la Communauté française de Belgique doivent disposer :
- d’un diplôme obtenu après 5 années (300 crédits) d’enseignement universitaire ou
- d’un diplôme obtenu après 4 années (240 crédits) d’enseignement universitaire et d’au moins 2 années d’expérience professionnelle utile.
Les étudiants belges et européens doivent avoir au moins un "Master 60" ou l'équivalent de 240 ECTS (pour plus de détails, contactez-nous).
Date limite d’inscription :
- Etudiants titulaires d’un master délivré au sein de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles : www.unamur.be/inscription
- Etudiants internationaux (titulaires d’un master délivré hors de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles) : www.unamur.be/inscription/international-master
Pour les admissions en master de spécialisation, il y a lieu de prendre contact avec le service des inscriptions.
Attention les candidatures aux bourses suivent leur propre calendrier et sont clôturées plus tôt (voir rubrique « mobilité »).
Contact : (for further information on the programme)
Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales et de gestion – UNamurRempart de la Vierge 8
5000 Namur - Belgique
+32 (0)81 724 823
Only applicants with sufficient knowledge of economics will be considered.
In some cases, applicants may be subject to a written test during the admission process.
Applicants with a diploma issued by the French-speaking community of Belgium must have a master worth 60 or 120 credits.
Applicants with a diploma issued outside of the French-speaking community of Belgium must have:
- a university diploma received after 5 years (300 credits) or
- a university diploma received after 4 years (240 credits) and at least 2 years of relevant professional experience.
Belgian and European students must have at least a "Master 60" or equivalent to 240 ECTS (for more details, contact us).
Applications must be received before:
- Students with a master issued by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles: www.unamur.be/inscription
- International students (with a master issued outside of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles): www.unamur.be/inscription/international-master
For specialized master admissions, contact the enrolment service.
Please note that grant application processes have their own schedule and close earlier (see the “mobility” section).
Contact: (for further information on the programme)
Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales et de gestion – UNamur
Rempart de la Vierge 8
5000 Namur - Belgique
+32 (0)81 724 823
The specialized master in international and development economics programme (SMIDE) is entirely provided in English; it is a 60 ECTS programme and is co-organised by the University of Namur and the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain).
Most of the classes are held in Namur with one day of classes per week held in Louvain-la-Neuve. Students will have full access to the educational resources offered by the two universities (libraries, IT, etc.).
The academic year begins with the « Concepts and Methods » unit - a review of the basic concepts in economics and quantitative methods. The programme is then organised around two main themes. The first axis studies poverty and institutional structures required for the effective functioning of a market economy in the context of developing countries. The second axis analyzes macroeconomic and trade policies that promote economic growth and macroeconomic stability in a context of poor countries, emphasizing their effects on the well-being of local people.
Depending on their specific situation, students can be offered the possibility either to do an internship while they are developing their personal project or after having graduated from the programme.
The two main axes can be detailed as follows:
- Macroeconomics and trade policies:
This theme covers issues concerning macroeconomic fluctuations, macro-finance and development. It concentrates on the factors that determine the balance of payments, domestic growth rates, employment rates and structure, inflation rates, public sector accounts and external debt. Particular attention will be paid to the interaction between foreign exchange, interest rates, monetary and taxation policy instruments and real economy sectors. National experiences will be used to evaluate the relative costs of adjustments or policies and whether they are sustainable given external constraints. Students will also be able to use case studies to evaluate how various policy regimes or macroeconomic policies can contribute in terms of a sustainable and balanced growth objective.
The programme also studies the opportunities and limitations the economy is facing as it integrates the global market economy. Special attention is given to relationship between economic growth and international trade, the role of multinational entreprises, the location of economic activities the management of adjustment costs after trade shocks. Trade and trade policy aspects are also analysed: the strategic behaviour of firms and governments and the role of regional and ‘supra-regional’ institutions.
- Development and institutions:
The teaching units of this theme cover the key economic development issues of today. These include:
- poverty: key concepts and measures of poverty and inequality are introduced. The current state of poverty in the world is examined and students are challenged to conduct a critical analysis of current sustainable development goals.
- micro-finance: the formal and informal roles of lending institutions in developing countries are examined and microfinance as a “revolution” in development is discussed.
- education: the decision to invest in education at a micro and macro level is examined and a discussion on what we know today about the returns to education is opened.
- gender issues: A presentation of Amarta Sen’s “missing women” analysis is made. A discussion on the discrimination of women within households is also opened and the main models of decision-making, including intra-household bargaining models, are presented.
- poverty - environment linkages: after an introduction to environmental economics and its key concepts, we present what we know today about the relationship between development, poverty and environment.
- the role of development institutions: different economic approaches to institutions are presented, discussed and illustrated. Particular attention is given to transaction patterns, contracts, informal arrangements and social norms. The underlying functions savings on transaction costs, overcoming incentive issues and ensuring coordination are highlighted. Two major fields of application of institutional analysis are covered in detail: the “poverty rights “system and agrarian contracts.
The programme will also cover the effects of different policies in terms of poverty, equality and how these problems can be reduced.
Finally, the programme concludes with a personal project on an economic topic chosen at the beginning of the year. This research project is developed during the year on the basis of lectures and readings and is subjected to critical evaluation by students and teachers. The project consists of a case study, a theoretical or an empirical analysis which leads students to document, analyse and argue a research question with rigour.
International mobility and openness
The audience of the specialized master in international and development economics is mostly international.
The teaching staff also is international and most of the teachers have direct experience in developing countries.
There are also funding/scholarship opportunities for students from developing countries. For more information on how to apply, timetable and practical arrangements: https://www.ares-ac.be/en/cooperation-au-developpement/scholarships/advanced-bachelor-s-and-master-s-degrees-or-continuing-education-courses-in-belgium
Teaching methods
The diversity in the experiences and geographical origins of the teaching staff, guest lecturers and students will contribute to the broad variety of issues dealt within the lectures and seminars.
Students therefore constantly refers these issues with those of his homecountry.
Aims and objectives
The goal of this master programme is to train present and future actors of development to be able to devise realistic and original policy reforms and programmes based on sound economic analysis and well-adjusted to the social and political context of a country.
At the end of their training, graduates are in a position to:
- design and implement innovative programmes of economics and human development;
- understand and assess the models and methods used by international organisations; foreign governments and consultants in development assistance and international economic relations; and
- play an educational role, in particular by clarifying to local decision-makers and to the general public the rationale and usefulness of economic reforms in their local context.
At the end of their training, graduates will also be able to:
- communicate clearly and persuasively both in English (written and oral) as well as in the graphical form;
- manage a project, collaborate within a team, and exercise leadership.
Written and oral exams, individual and group projects, oral presentations, development of a personal project... Several modes of assessment coexist within the SMIDE programme.
The exact assessment method for each teaching unit is described on the webpage of the teaching unit and can be found at this link www.unamur.be/en/eco/amide.
Final evaluations are held at the end of each semester, in January and June. And second-chance examinations are held in August-September.
Career opportunities
The qualifications developed through the Specialized Master in International and Development Economics are especially appreciated by :
- Governments (ministries, national institutes of statistics…)
- International organisations
- Banks, insurance companies and other international firms
- Non governmental organisations
- Universities
- Trade associations