Learning outcomes

At the end of this second internship, the intern should be able to demonstrate significant progress in the implementation of their project, identify clear avenues for development, and present an action methodology that will also define the actions yet to be undertaken.


The student is required to conduct initial data collection and define the methodological framework for analyzing and evaluating possible alternative responses to the issue presented. It is expected that the student will justify their methodological choices and outline the resolution steps they plan to take, including (if applicable) proposing sampling methods, analyses, and initial tests.


The design internship takes place during the second semester (Q2) under the same practical conditions as the previous module, which means two days per week for a minimum of 26 days in total. Its objective is to design the solution's framework that will be put to the test during the third immersion internship.

Teaching methods


Assessment method

The evaluation of this second internship (6 ECTS) is based on the writing of a report of approximately twenty pages and its defense before a jury composed of the internship supervisor, the academic advisor, and the program coordinator.

During the defense, the intern will present the progress of their project in relation to the question and analytical framework defined at the end of their first internship. They may also discuss any changes to their question or framework, but priority will be given to explaining the work methodology proposed by the intern and the steps taken in the project up to that point.

The written report must be submitted to the jury members no later than the first day of the June session. 

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Management, Professional focus Standard 0 6
Master in Management, Professional focus Standard 1 6