Learning outcomes

Discover the marvels of the sky with your own eyes, through the instruments of the astronomical pedagogical facilty: the Observatory Antoine Thomas.

To progressively learn how to use "amateur astronomy" instruments, with the help of the teaching team.

To develop skills and improve your general knowledge to finally be able to teach the night sky and to guide early stargazers.

Realising practical astronomy animations for the grand public and children of all age at science festivals, etc.


Teaching methods

Astronomy must be practiced and the sky certainly deserves to be discovered.

Therefore, the lecture will be given in about 10 sessions all along the academic year (first and second semester) depending on weather conditions.

The University of Namur hosts a pedagogical astronomical observatory on the campus (https://www.facebook.com/astrocampus)  that is specifically equipped for the discovery of astronomy under urban skies.

Our equipment under the dome includes:

- a pair of giant binoculars (120mm diameter, 660mm focal length, double apochromatic doublet) for visual observing

- a DirectDrive magnetic equatorial mount carrying four instruments : (1) a 152mm-diameter Halpha telescope with high-res camera, (2) a 30cm-diameter Newtonian reflector at f/D=2.8 with scientific CCD chip or f/D=4 with large sensor for astrophotography, both options with filters for imaging and photometry under light-polluted skies, (3) a Maksutov telescope with 2.7m focal length (with possibility of spectroscopy set-up) and (4) a wide-field apochromat for imaging covering a 4 square degrees field of view.

The observatory is fully remote-controllable for use in amphitheatres in real-time during lectures or remotely for live sessions.

For use "in the field", we also have the following:

- a 40cm-diameter Newtonian reflector on Dobson mount with GoTo system

- a 30cm-diameter Newtonian reflector on Dobson mount

- a 20cm Schmidt-Cassegrain on azimuthal automated forked mount

- a portable Halpha telescope

- several pair of small binoculars


Assessment method

Participation to observing sessions (on-site or remote ones) is required.

The final examination will consist of giving an outreach activity on practical astronomy and stargazing during one public event organized under the auspices of the UNiVERSEH alliance.

Students are encouraged to develop their custom activity based on their experience during the lecture sessions: constellation tour, safe observation of the Sun, sky tour with small instruments like binoculars or amateur telescopes, basic astrophotography with smartphone or cameras, etc.



Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 2 2
Bachelor in Philosophy Standard 3 2