As an institution approved by the SPF Finances, the University of Namur offers tax reductions and attractive conditions for donations and bequests made to it. We can also inform you about the follow-up of your donation. Discover your various advantages.

Your donations are 45% tax-deductible

Donations to UNamur are eligible for a 45% tax deduction. A donation of €100 will actually cost you just €55 after tax deduction. To qualify for the tax deduction, the total amount of your donation(s) over the course of a year must be equal to or greater than €40. You will therefore benefit from the tax reduction if you make a donation of €40 or more, or if you make several donations over the course of the year which, taken together, reach or exceed the €40 threshold. This reduction is valid both for donations by bank transfer and for online donations.

Since January 1, 2024, the national register number has become mandatory in Belgium in order to receive the certificate granting tax deductibility of your donation (law of 28/12/2023, art. 323/3 CIR 92). This 11-digit number appears on the back of your identity card.

Communicate your national register number

To receive your tax certificate, let us know your national register number.

You have several options:

Find out more about the tax aspects of donations, legacies and sponsorship.

Our new brochure "Forms of support for the University of Namur: all your questions about the tax and legal aspects of a donation or bequest to UNamur" provides detailed information on the various advantages available to you depending on your situation. Download it free of charge, as well as our brochure dedicated to bequests.

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Donation tracking information

As a donor, we keep you informed about the projects you have chosen to support through the Fonds Namur Université Newsletter. Depending on the project, we may also keep you informed by e-mail or post. Do you have any questions about your donation? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact | Patronage, donations and legacies

Rectorat - Service de l'Administratrice générale

Morgane Belin