Learning outcomes

Capability to work  in group, within an organization.

Editorial and analytical skills


The teaching unit consists of:

  • providing students with the opportunity to have contact with the professional field (internship and Namur Legal Lab),
  •  taking a multidisciplinary approach to the situation studied
  •  writing a written report that thoroughly analyzes a question related to the professional field being approached (memory).

The objective is therefore to implement in a real professional environment the skills acquired as part of the DTIC.


The Teaching Unit is divided into two learning a ctivities, namely:

  1. Thesis with internship:
  • The internship which may consist, for example, in an audit mission of a website dedicated to e-commerce. Other situations proposed for the internship can lead to contact with the medical world, the administration, a telecommunications company, university research centers, the Federal Commission for the protection of privacy, ...
  • The thesis which consists in the in-depth analysis of a legal question encountered during the internship or the Namur Legal Lab.
  1. The Namur Legal Lab:
  • offers the opportunity to provide legal advice to young start-ups wishing to launch a new project related to the new technologies sector under the supervision of professionals.
  • the writing of an opinion allows to acquire the rules of writing specific to this type of document transmitted to customers.

In each of these learning activities, students are asked to approach the realities submitted to their analysis through their enlightened basic discipline of the training received in this specialization master.

Teaching methods

Internship in a company or the public sector, consulting (legal) and drafting of a work of about thirty pages long under the supervision of a teaching team.

Assessment method

The Teaching Unit is divided into two learning activities:

  1.   Memory with internship:
    • value of the learning activity score on the whole EU score: 2/3
      • the note is based on three elements:
      • on the written work (dissertation), including the respect of the writing instructions recorded in the roadmap given to the students at the beginning of the academic year.
      • on public defense.
    •  The completion of the internship is a condition sine qua non for the filing of the memorial and its defense. In other words, not doing the internship will result in a score of 0 for the learning activity.
    •  Once the internship has been completed, the student is exempted from one session to the next session of the same academic year and from one academic year to the next one even if the grade is lower than 10 for the learning activity .
  2.     Namur Legal Lab:
    •  value of the learning activity score on the overall EU score: 1/3
    •  the evaluation bears:
      • the quality of the opinion given to the start-up;
      •  the quality of services provided during meetings with the start-up;
      •  the dynamism and the respect of the deadlines in the follow-up of the project

If the student scores 10 or more for a learning activity but less than 10 for the EU:

  • he/she cannot represent the assessment of the successful learning activity, from one session to the next, and within the same academic year.
  • he/she is automatically dispensed, from one academic year to another, the successful learning activity.

Language of instruction
