Learning outcomes

insertion in a professional environment, where the student carries out work as a biologist in a real situation, together with colleagues


The internship is generally carried out in a research office, a nature conservation organisation, a municipal/provincial/federal administration (conservation, ecotourism) or in industry (alternatives to pesticides, green energy production, etc.).The relevance of the internship offer and/or the match between the student's profile and the internship programme is analysed by the internship coordinator in consultation with the student (regular interviews), the internship supervisor and the academic head of studies. The latter may refuse a placement project that is deemed unsuitable.

Teaching methods


Assessment method

The evaluation is done using a grid, completed by the internship supervisor, and the final report, the presentation of the results, and the answers to the questions, evaluated by a jury which is made up of a reader, the academic supervisor of the internship and a moderator. Full details can be found here: https://github.com/fdelaend/MasterBOE/blob/main/Guidelines-stage.pdf&nb…;

Sources, references and any support material

BOE internship guide

Language of instruction
