Work placement
- UE code SMATM212
- ECTS Credits 18
The place and the form of this research experience are selected by the supervisor of the master thesis and the responsible for the UE.
To discover and to get used to a new research environment, out of UNamur
To develop autonomy and scientific maturity
To handle a personnel research project
To realize the researcher career in that specific area
The research experience can take different forms. The student will be sent in one or several research centers, or could participate to activities in schools or colloquia, for a total duration equivalent to 3 months out of UNamur. A host, external to UNamur will be identified for each part of the project. The proposed activities will be endorsed by the UE responsible, with a special attention to the respect of the objectives and the balance between the different students.
The final mark is based on 4 elements :
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Master in Mathematics, Research focus | Standard | 0 | 18 | |
Master in Mathematics, Research focus | Standard | 2 | 18 |