Advanced Master in Human Rights
staggered hours
- ECTS Credits 60
The University of Namur is co-certifying the Master of Specialization in Human Rights with the Catholic University of Louvain and the Université Saint-Louis - Brussels.
The full program is available on the Université catholique de Louvain website.
For registration to the master of specialization, please contact the Université catholique de Louvain.
The University of Namur offers the Advanced Master in Human Rights jointly with the UCLouvain.
Full details of the programme are available on the website of the UCLouvain.
To register for the Master of Specialization, please contact the UCLouvain.
The University of Namur provides teaching in the following areas:
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 DRHO2132 Human rights and the information society DE TERWANGNE CÉCILE 30h th. 4 DRHO2142 Final paper: seminar in the humanities 15h th. 20 DRHO2135 Human rights and development LACHAPELLE Amélie 30h th. 4 DRHO2133 Criminal humanitarian law 30h th. 4 Soft skillsDRHO2134 Bioethics and human rights 30h th. 4
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 DRHO2132 Human rights and the information society DE TERWANGNE CÉCILE 4 30h th. DRHO2142 Final paper: seminar in the humanities 20 15h th. DRHO2135 Human rights and development LACHAPELLE Amélie 4 30h th. DRHO2133 Criminal humanitarian law 4 30h th. Soft skillsDRHO2134 Bioethics and human rights 4 30h th.