Amélie Lachapelle
Amélie Lachapelle has a doctorate in legal sciences from the University of Namur (2020).
She joined FUNDP in 2008 to complete her bachelor's degree in law. She then moved to UCL to complete her master's degree in State and Europe, graduating in September 2013. As part of this Master's programme, she did an Erasmus study period at U.S.A.L. (Salamanca-Spain) from February to June 2013.
Amélie Lachapelle started working at UNamur in September 2013, as an assistant in Sources and Principles of Law. A F.R.S.-FNRS aspirant, she then completed a doctoral thesis on the reconfiguration of whistleblowing in the era of tax whistleblowers (2015-2020). Her research focused on the legal, sociological, cultural, political and digital issues surrounding whistleblowing and the protean phenomenon of ‘whistleblowers’.
She teaches Comparative Law and English Legal Terminology and Environmental Law and Sustainable Development in the Faculty of Law, as well as Economic Law in the EMCP Faculty and the cross-disciplinary course ‘Law & Transition’ with her colleague Professor Stéphanie Wattier. She also teaches the Human Rights and Development course as part of the USL-Brussels/UNamur/ULB Master's specialisation in human rights.
More broadly, Amélie Lachapelle conducts her research in the field of the environment, sustainable development and transition, at the intersection of human rights (right to privacy, freedom of expression, property rights, right to a healthy environment) and digital law (sustainable IT).
She is a member of CRIDS/NaDI (Centre de Recherche Information, Droit et Société/Namur Digital Institute - UNamur).
She is also president of ADANam (the UNamur Law School Alumni Association) and the Law School's sustainable development and languages referent.
Together with Grégoire Wieërs (Medicine), she coordinates the institutional ‘JEDDT’ project (Journées d'Education au Développement Durable et à la Transition), a CaNDLE project supported by the King Baudouin Foundation.
Research institutes
Research center
Domains of expertise
- Environmental law and sustainable development
- Sustainable development and digital
- Protection of whistleblowers
- Protection of human rights
- Comparative public and private law
- Economic law
External responsibilities
- Fellow at the European Whistleblowing Institute
- Associate member of CRECO (Centre de recherche sur l'Etat et la Constitution - UCL)
- Editorial secretary of the Revue du Droit des Technologies de l'Information (R.D.T.I.)
- Member of the editorial board of the Revue Générale du Contentieux Fiscal (R.G.C.F.)
- Member of the International Whistleblowing Research Network
- Member of the Management Board of INCUEBRUX
- Member of the Board of the AJN (Association des Juristes Namurois)
- Bachelor of Law at F.U.N.D.P. (2011) - Great distinction
- Erasmus at U.S.A.L. (Salamanca, Spain) - Matricula de honor
- Master's degree in Law, State and Europe, at U.C.L. (2013) - First class honours
- Doctorate in Legal Sciences at UNamur (2020) - ‘La dénonciation fiscale à l'ère des lanceurs d'alerte: de la complaisance à la vigilance’ (Tax whistleblowing in the age of whistleblowers: from complacency to vigilance)
- 1st prize 2011 at the Tournoi d'éloquence organised by the Jeune Barreau de Namur (‘Les Chroniques du Temps : de sa naissance philosophique à sa mort scientifique’)
- TFR-prijs 2018 voor de eervolle vermelding bijdrage Buitenlandse Fiscale Rechtspraak ‘La déclaration d'informations (’reporting") comme outil de lutte contre la criminalité financière: commentaire de la décision n° 2016-741 du Conseil constitutionnel français’
- Finalist UNamur MT180 (ed. 2019)
- T.F.R. Doctoral Grant 2020
- F.R.S.-FNRS aspirant at the University of Namur (2015-2019)
Droit comparé et terminologie juridique anglaise [DROIB310]
Droit de l'environnement [DROIB330]
Droits humains et développement [DRHO2135]
Droit des biens [DRHDB313]
Droit comparé et terminologie juridique anglaise [DROIB310]
Droit économique [ECGEB232]
Droit de l'environnement [DROIB330]
Droits humains et développement [DRHO2135]
Droit et Transition [FINT0047]
Droit des biens [DRHDB313]
Droit comparé et terminologie juridique anglaise [DROIB310]
Droit économique [ECGEB232]
Droit de l'environnement et du développement durable [DROIB330]
Droits humains et développement [DRHO2135]
Droit, développement durable et transition [FINT0047]
Droit des biens [DRHDB313]
Droit comparé et terminologie juridique anglaise [DROIB310]
Droit économique [ECGEB232]
Droit de l'environnement et du développement durable [DROIB330]
Droit des biens [DRHDB313]