Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will be able to understand the complexity of bacterial cell organization and the main underlying molecular mechanisms. The students will also have a view of the major technological approaches used to address this topic.



The aim of this course consists in showing the students the cellular organization of the bacteria, which has been underestimated for a long time by the scientific community. The development of microscopy and molecular biology revealed the complexity of this organization and its impact on the cellular processes.



The content of this course may slightly vary each year depending of the field of expertise of the invited speakers and the research topic of the URBM but the major aspects of bacterial cell organization and the technologies used to address these processes will be covered during the course.


Assessment method

The students teams will present in 30 min the results of their PBL work. After the presentation, the students will also be questioned individually on the course content.

Sources, references and any support material

Scientific literature


Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master 120 in molecular microbiology, research focus Standard 0 2
Master 120 in molecular microbiology, research focus Standard 1 2