The Cellule Médico-Psychologique (CMP) offers a service aimed at students and future students who are experiencing long-term difficulties that may hinder their participation in teaching on an equal footing with other students.
In accordance with the decree on inclusive higher education, the Cellule Médico-Psychologique (CMP):
- informs about EBS / ESH status,
- precises the reasonable needs and accommodations required,
- supports the implementation of the individualized support plan (PAI) with faculties.
Students' difficulties may take the form of:
- sensory disability,
- mobility impairment,
- chronic or long-term disabling illness,
- mental health impairment,
- cognitive impairment : specific learning disorders (dyslexia, dysorthographia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia), attention deficit disorder, autism spectrum disorder.
Corporate policy
Consult the corporate policy on inclusion at UNamur.
Student status at UNamur
Other "Special needs" or "Commitment" statuses are possible. To find out more about status types, granting conditions and procedures, visit the "Student statuses" page.
EBS/ESH status
If you apply for EBS/ESH status, you can benefit from a lighter annual program.

Status application procedure
In order to obtain EBS / ESH status, the student must meet the following deadlines:
- in the first quadrimester:
- apply by 15/10 (section A via online form)
- close file by 31/10 (section B, supporting documents)
- in the second quadrimester: apply by 01/03, close file by 15/03.
An early application makes it possible to provide optimum support through the possible implementation of accommodations for course activities and practical work from the start of the quadrimester. Documents can be sent by e-mail or post.
Individualized Support Plan (PAI) renewal procedure
This status is valid for the duration of the student's studies. The PAI signed by the student, the EBS-ESH advisor and the faculty advisor is only valid for the current academic year. It must therefore be renewed each academic year by contacting the CMP - Mission Étudiant en Situation de Handicap (in person or by e-mail).
To renew their PAI, students must meet the following deadlines:
- first term: application sent by 10/31
- for the second term: requests must be submitted by 01/03
Submit your request
ATTENTION : Before completing your file, please read the complete procedure explained above. There you will find precise information concerning the documents to be submitted according to your diagnosis. |
Two parts are required to constitute a complete file:
- Part A: an online file opening form
- Part B: evidentiary documents supporting the request
The supporting documents required differ depending on the disorder, disability, illness.
An example of the form to be completed by the medical specialist is available below.
For specific written language and calculation disorders, a full logopedic assessment is required.
These documents must be recent (less than a year old at the time of application) and detailed. The aim is not only to attest to the diagnosis, but also to explain its repercussions on studies/learning, justifying the implementation of accommodations.
Attention: It can sometimes take a long time to make an appointment with a specialist or carry out an assessment.
The activities
The department also organizes activities
- Midi-méthodo workshops in collaboration with the Cellule Interfacultaire d'Appui Pédagogique to help them with their work methods
- Meditation workshops to discover the tools of mindfulness and practice using them to compensate for inattention difficulties, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Workshops for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to bond, share difficulties and develop skills in a relaxed setting.
- Internship/employment and disability roundtables to answer students' questions, fears and preconceived ideas, and inform them about their future professional integration or internship integration.
- ...
Psychologists: Sandrine Vieillevoye and Claire Monhonval
Rue Bruno 7
B-5000 Namur