Bibliographic methods: libraries and the internet
- UE code LLETB102
30 15Quarter 1
- ECTS Credits 5
- Teacher
Acquire a broad general culture by opening up to other disciplines and understanding the links between them and history Learn to read and communicate in at least one language other than French Develop specialist knowledge in areas of the historical discipline and understand the issues involved Learn how to conduct a research question in history and master the tools and working methods specific to the discipline Mastering scientific communication by respecting the rules of reference and publication
To know the characteristics of the main works useful to the historian, the art historian and the archaeologist (publications of the 19th-XXth-XXIst centuries): value, interest, limits; to write correctly the reference of a publication; to carry out a bibliographical research.
To find one's way through the mass of documents offered by traditional and online libraries, one must first become aware of the different types of publications available to the historian, art historian and archaeologist. This is why the course successively considers, while taking care to underline their usefulness for the researcher, works of synthesis, reference works (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, atlases, directories), bibliographic instruments and specialised reviews, whether these publications are on paper or on computer support (internet...). Numerous exercises, in groups or individually, are based on this "theory": writing references, handling books, and learning the bibliographic research process. Specific sessions on online databases and Internet search engines are part of the course.
Presentation of the course on Power Point Practical sessions based on the documentation Application and revision exercises Personal work
Continuous assessment: regular quizzes and assignments throughout the semester. The results of these tests and assignments constitute the final grade of the course. Please note: there is no exam for this course and no possibility of a second session.
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Bachelor in History | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology: General | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology: General | Standard | 1 | 5 | |
Bachelor in History | Standard | 1 | 5 |