Learning outcomes

Within the study program, biochemistry and cell biology UEs contribute to the acquisition of the following knowledge:
1) Knowledge :
Knowledge and understanding of basic scientific concepts useful in medicine;
Knowledge and understanding of the normal functioning of the human organism, particularly at the molecular and cellular levels;
Know and understand the major pathophysiological mechanisms at molecular and cellular levels;
Know and understand the interactions between the human organism and the living and non-living elements present within it and in its environment ;
2) Skills:
Ability to take a multidisciplinary, cross-disciplinary approach to a medical problem;
Ability to read, understand and synthesize a scientific article;
Ability to find, prioritize and critically analyze relevant scientific information;
Learn to follow an experimental protocol and write a rigorous scientific report using an appropriate vocabulary.
3) Personal skills :
Demonstrate curiosity about scientific research and the scientific process;
Develop the ability to work as part of a team, showing respect for peers and other healthcare professionals;


By the end of the course, students will have
- will have developed their knowledge and understanding of the normal functioning of the human organism at the molecular and cellular level, and will have acquired a mastery of the scientific aspect of disease, also at the molecular and cellular level ;
More specifically for the Biochemistry and Cell Biology II UE: 
Students will be able to
- identify, describe and explain the biological processes involved in apoptosis and autophagy, and the signaling elements that control them
- identify, describe and explain how cells transform extracellular signals into adapted biological responses through the activation of signaling pathways 
- identify, describe and explain the concepts and major metabolic pathways underlying energy metabolism
- identify and describe the principle of some basic techniques used in biochemistry and cell biology
- be able to read and understand scientific data presented in graphical form


- Apoptosis and autophagy in a cellular and molecular context

- Main cellular signalling pathways

- Principles of bioenergetics and types of biochemical reactions

- Glycolysis, pyruvate dehydrogenase, Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation

- Gluconeogenesis and glycogen metabolism

- Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism

Teaching methods

Ex cathedra courses, power point presentations, use of blackboard, online voting system, .... N.B. The teaching method is subject to change if the evolving health crisis does not allow for ex cathedra teaching.

Assessment method

Written examination including MCQs and/or open questions. Each of the teachers will examine the chapters they have taught. In case of failure, the student will have to retake the test on all subjects.

P.S. The exact modalities of the evaluation are subject to change when the examination timetable is drawn up, depending on the practical constraints that the faculty administration may face, on the evolution of the health crisis linked to COVID-19, or in case of illness/force majeure/employment with a training course, preventing the student from taking the examination on the date initially planned.

Sources, references and any support material

- specific materials posted on webcampus - reference works : -Lehninger, Principles of Biochemistry (Nelson, Cox): Freeman -Harper Biochemistry (Murray, Bender, Botham, Kennelly, Rodwell, Weil): de boeck - Biology (Raven) - Specific articles from the scientific literature

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Medicine Standard 0 5
Bachelor in Medicine Standard 1 5