Learning outcomes

Good knowledge of cellular metabolism and its regulation




The aim of the teaching unit, SMEDB306, is the build upon the knowledge acquired in the teaching unit SMEDB200, to further the students knowledge of cellular metabolism.


In SMEDB306, we will cover the following chapters :


  • Regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism
  • Amino acid metabolism
  • Nucleotide metabolism
  • Heme metabolism
  • Metabolism of complex lipids ( sphingolipids, sterols and eicosanoids…)
  • Lipid transport




Teaching unit SMEDB306 completes the study of metabolism begun in teaching units SVETB113 and SMEDB200. The description of the main pathways of intermediary metabolism is accompanied by examples describing various biochemical dysfunctions and their metabolic repercussions.

The teaching unit SMEDB306 contains the following main chapters:

- regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism

- Amino acid metabolism

- nucleotide metabolism

- heme metabolism

- metabolism of glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, terpenes, sterols and eicosanoids

- lipoprotein metabolism and lipid transport


Teaching methods

The SMEDB306 unit will be taught by Marc Hennequart in the auditorium. There will also be participative learning that will be set up.

Assessment method

Theoretical exam
Written exam containing multiple choice questions and/or open ended questions prepared by Michel Jadot and Marc Hennequart.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine Standard 0 4
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine Standard 3 4