Accommodation request

Legal address
If you are not planning to study at the University of Namur, please specify the type of study you are planning in the comments. Please note that students enrolled at Unamur will be given priority for housing.
Has your application already been accepted?
If you ticked "no", please explain why. As a reminder, accommodation requests will be processed once your file is in order with Enrolment Services. If your choice of study requires an entrance exam (medicine) or a lottery (veterinary medicine for non-residents), please let us know in the comments. We'll get back to you.
Reserving accommodation
If you will be studying for your Bac 1, please choose between the Résidence universitaire pour étudiantes (RUEE), the Résidence universitaire pour étudiants (RUE) or the Carmel. Wherever possible, we will take your choice into account. If you are applying for accommodation during the academic year, please select "other"; we will inform you of available places.
Preferred dates
Example: from January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023. Please note that a fortnight started is a fortnight paid.
Contact details in case of need
Legal address
Bank details ( optional )

This data will be stored by the Housing Department and will not be passed on to third parties. It will only be used to monitor rental payments and when the rental guarantee is reimbursed.

In order to process your request, you must complete all fields marked "optional". When you submit this form, the completed data will be transmitted to UNamur and used to process your request. Learn more about your data protection and your rights