Learning outcomes

The aim of this course is to familiarize students to celestial mechanics problems. It is mainly based on perturbation theory, and offers concrete examples based on solar system dynamics and extrasolar planets.


The course starts with the formulation and resolution of the two-body problem. In this framework, we will apply these results to the dynamics of small bodies perturbed by stellar winds, introducting the idea of perturbations. We will then extend to a third body. We will develop further the notion of perturbations to look for approximate solutions to the three-body problem. Using averaging methods, we will study solutions over very long timescales (the so-called secular perturbations). We will also study mean-motion resonances.

Table of contents

  1. Two-body problem.
  2. Perturbations to the two-body problem.
  3. Three-body problem, restricted or not.
  4. Secular perturbations.
  5. Mean motion resonances

Teaching methods

Travaux dirigés will go alongside the main course, in order to illustrate the theoretical concepts.

Assessment method

The exam consists in the preparing the study of a research article linked to notions that we studied in the course, mostly concerninn secular and resonant perturbations.

Sources, references and any support material

See BUMP or SYSDYN books (for instance Solar system dynamics by Carl D. Murray and Stanley F. Dermott))

Language of instruction
