
In the context of clinical practice in general medicine, students will delve into more specific areas such as addiction, issues relating to patients with special needs, multimorbid patients and patients with complex pathologies, etc. Students will be made aware of end-of-life issues (euthanasia, over-zealous treatment, palliative care), taking into account the constraints of the home. Ethical aspects will of course be addressed.

Teaching methods

Several methods will be used: work in small groups and collective discussion/synthesis; use of simulation scenarios. A visit to a psychiatric hospital is also included.

Assessment method

The simulation-based teaching used to support the topics covered will not be assessed. Nonetheless, a disrespectful attitude on the part of the
Nonetheless, failure to respect the speakers and the charter of good conduct will result in a penalty of points.

This course will be assessed on the basis of :
- the production of a report on the visit to a psychiatric hospital
- an MCQ

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Advanced Master in General Medicine Standard 0 2
Advanced Master in General Medicine Standard 2 2