Learning outcomes

Understanding of the principal concepts of the didactics of mathematics and of their applications into a classroom, in front of the students.


To bring out students' initial conceptions related to teaching mathematics in secundary school and to evolve these conceptions towards what is expected from a today's teacher according to research results and legal requirements concerning compulsory education


We try to explain the principal ideas of the didactics of mathematics through readings, examples, analysis of texts in the concerned fields. We speak about the Theory of Didactic Situations : didactical contract, a-didactical situation, obstacle... and the Anthropological Theory of Didactics : praxeologies, didactic transposition. We present some didactic tools such as using computers in the classroom, practising scientific

Teaching methods

The course is mainly based on interactions with students.  Attendance to lessons is therefore mandatory. The main notions are presented using slides completed with readings, discussions and application exercises.

Assessment method

The evaluation is divided into three parts :

  • a written exam about mathematics from the secundary school (50%)
  • the regular update, on WebCampus, of a portfolio accompanying the course (10%)
  • the planning of a didactical sequence integrating the notions learnt during the course, it is to upload to WebCampus (40%)

The weighted mean is used to provide the final note only if each part receives at least 8/20. In the other case, the smallest note is used.

Sources, references and any support material

Baruk S., "Si 7=0 - Quelles mathématiques pour l'école", Odile Jacob, Paris, 2004.

Johsua S. - Dupin J.J., "Introduction à la didactique des sciences et des mathématiques", Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1993.

Briand J. - Chevalier M.C., "Les enjeux didactiques dans l'enseignement des mathématiques", Hatier, Paris, 1995.

Brousseau G., "La théorie des situations didactiques", La Pensée Sauvage, Grenoble, 1998.


Language of instruction
